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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Wave of Grief Enchantment Sc_
Wave of Pain Necromancy BV
Waves of Cold Necromancy Fr
Waves of Exhaustion Necromancy PH
Waves of Fatigue Necromancy PH
Weapon Bless Transmutation OA
Weapon of Energy Transmutation SS
Weapon of Energy Transmutation Sc_
Weapon of Impact Transmutation Mag
Weapon of Impact Transmutation Sc_
Weapon of the Deity Transmutation CD
Weapon of the Deity Transmutation DF
Weapon of the Deity Transmutation Gh
Weapon of the Deity Transmutation Mag
Weapon of the Deity Transmutation Sc_
Weapon of the Deity Transmutation FE
Weapon Shift Transmutation Sc_
Weather Eye Divination CD
Weather Eye Divination DF
Weather Eye Divination Sc_