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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Swim Transmutation CAr
Swim Transmutation OA
Swim Transmutation Sto
Swim Transmutation Sc_
Swim, Mass Transmutation Sc_
Swooping Dragon Strike Tiger Claw ToB
Sword and Hammer Evocation PG
Sword and Hammer, Greater Evocation PG
Sword of Conscience Enchantment BE
Sword of Darkness Necromancy CAr
Sword of Darkness Necromancy OA
Sword of Darkness Necromancy Sc_
Sword of Deception Evocation CAr
Sword of Deception Evocation OA
Sword of Deception Evocation Sc_
Sword Stream Evocation DF
Symbol Universal Mag
Symbol of Death Necromancy PH
Symbol of Fear Necromancy PH
Symbol of Insanity Enchantment PH