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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Surefooted Stride, Mass Transmutation Sc_
Surelife Abjuration DD
Surelife Abjuration FP
Surelife Abjuration Gh
Surelife Abjuration OA
Surelife Abjuration PG
Surelife Abjuration Sa
Surge of Fortune Transmutation CC
Suspend Disease Abjuration BV
Suspended Silence Illusion Sc_
Suspension Transmutation ShS
Sustain Transmutation BE
Sustain Transmutation OA
Susurrus of the City Divination DC
Swamp Lung Conjuration Sc_
Swamp Stride Conjuration Sc_
Swarm Tactics White Raven ToB
Swarming Assault White Raven ToB
Sweet Water Divination DF
Swift Ready Conjuration FoW