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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Sirine's Grace Evocation Sc_
Skeletal Guard Necromancy Mag
Skeletal Guard Necromancy SS
Skeletal Guard Necromancy Sc_
Skin of the Cactus Abjuration Sa
Skin of the Steel Dragon Abjuration CV
Skull Eyes Transmutation LD
Skull Eyes Transmutation PG
Skull of Secrets Illusion LD
Skull of Secrets Illusion Mag
Skull of Secrets Illusion PG
Skull Watch Necromancy PG
Skull Watch Necromancy Sc_
Skunk Scent Conjuration FoW
Skyline Runner Transmutation RD
Slapping Hand Evocation Sc_
Slash Tongue Transmutation BV
Slashing Darkness Evocation CR
Slashing Darkness Evocation MH
Slashing Darkness Evocation Sc_