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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Balancing Lorecall Divination Sc_
Baleful Blink Transmutation PH2
Baleful Polymorph Transmutation PH
Baleful Transposition Conjuration MH
Baleful Transposition Conjuration Sc_
Ball Lightning Evocation Mag
Ball Lightning Evocation PG
Ball Lightning Evocation Una
Ball Lightning Evocation Sc_
Ballista Throw Setting Sun ToB
Balor Nimbus Transmutation PlH
Balor Nimbus Transmutation Sc_
Bands of Steel Conjuration CAr
Bands of Steel Conjuration Sc_
Bane Enchantment PH
Bane Bow Evocation CD
Bane of the Archrival Abjuration TM
Banish Dragonmark Abjuration Dra
Banishment Abjuration PH
Barghest's Feast Necromancy PlH