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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Necrotic Eruption Necromancy LM
Necrotic Scrying Necromancy LM
Necrotic Skull Bomb Necromancy CR
Necrotic Termination Necromancy LM
Necrotic Tumor Necromancy LM
Negative Energy Aura Necromancy PlH
Negative Energy Aura Necromancy Sc_
Negative Energy Burst Necromancy TB
Negative Energy Ray Necromancy TB
Negative Energy Wave Necromancy TB
Negative Energy Wave* Necromancy EA
Nerveskitter Transmutation Sc_
Net of Shadows Illusion Mag
Net of Shadows Illusion Sc_
Nether Trail Conjuration BV
Neutralize Poison Conjuration PH
Nezram's Amethyst Aura Abjuration LE
Nezram's Emerald Energy Shield Abjuration LE
Nezram's Sapphire Screen of Shielding Abjuration LE
Night's Caress Necromancy LM