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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Augment Truefriend Transmutation TM
Augury Divination PH
Aura Against Flame Abjuration Mag
Aura Against Flame Abjuration Sc_
Aura of Chaos Devoted Spirit ToB
Aura of Cold, Greater Transmutation Fr
Aura of Cold, Lesser Transmutation Fr
Aura of Evasion Abjuration Dr
Aura of Evasion Abjuration Sc_
Aura of Glory Transmutation Mag
Aura of Glory Transmutation Sc_
Aura of Perfect Order Devoted Spirit ToB
Aura of Terror Necromancy Dr
Aura of Terror Necromancy Sc_
Aura of the Sun Abjuration LE
Aura of Triumph Devoted Spirit ToB
Aura of Tyranny Devoted Spirit ToB
Aura of Vitality Transmutation Mag
Aura of Vitality Transmutation Sc_
Auspicious Odds Evocation UA