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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Armored Vermin Transmutation DrU
Arms of Plenty Transmutation LoM
Arrow Mind Divination CAd
Arrow Mind Divination Sc_
Arrow of Bone Necromancy CAr
Arrow of Bone Necromancy Sc_
Arrow Storm Transmutation CAd
Arrow Storm Transmutation Sc_
Arrowsplit Conjuration CR
As the Frost Transmutation PH2
Ashen Union Necromancy Sa
Ashstar Conjuration Sa
Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon Transmutation DM
Aspect of the Deity Transmutation BE
Aspect of the Deity Transmutation DF
Aspect of the Deity, Greater Transmutation BE
Aspect of the Deity, Greater Transmutation DF
Aspect of the Deity, Lesser Transmutation BE
Aspect of the Deity, Lesser Transmutation DF
Aspect of the Earth Hunter Transmutation Sc_