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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Ironguard, Greater Abjuration Mag
Ironguard, Lesser Abjuration FRCS
Ironguts Abjuration Mag
Ironguts Abjuration Sc_
Ironthunder Horn Transmutation Sc_
Ironwood Transmutation PH
Irresistible Force Evocation Gh
Irresistible Mountain Strike Stone Dragon ToB
Island of Blades Shadow Hand ToB
Ivory Flesh Transmutation Fr
Jade Aura Abjuration OA
Jade Strike Evocation OA
Jagged Tooth Transmutation SS
Jagged Tooth Transmutation Sc_
Jaws of the Moray Transmutation Sto
Jaws of the Wolf Transmutation Mag
Jaws of the Wolf Transmutation Sc_
Jet of Steam Evocation CM
Jhanifer's Deliquescence Transmutation CSW
Jig of the Waves Enchantment Sto