Sorcerer level 9 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Investiture of the Pit Fiend Transmutation FCII
Invoke Magic Evocation LoM
Khelben's Dweomerdoom Abjuration CSW
Laeral's Crowning Touch Necromancy CSW
Lash of Force Evocation CM
Magic Miasma Abjuration Sc_
Maw of Chaos Abjuration Mag
Maw of Chaos Abjuration SS
Maw of Chaos Abjuration Sc_
Meteor Swarm Evocation PH
Mindrape Enchantment BV
Mordenkainen's Disjunction Abjuration PH
Mycontil's Last Resort Evocation ShS
Mystra's Miasma Abjuration PG
Necrotic Termination Necromancy LM
Node Genesis Conjuration CR
Node Genesis Conjuration Und
Obedient Avalanche Conjuration Sc_
Open Greater Chakra Transmutation MoI
Perinarch, Planar Transmutation PlH