
(Races of Stone variant, p. 105)

Deepwardens are dwarves who serve as a living early warning system against threats from both the environment and other creatures.


Base Attack Bonus: +5

Race: Dwarf

Skills: Climb 5 ranks , Heal 5 ranks , Jump 5 ranks , Knowledge (dungeoneering) 5 ranks Survival 5 ranks

Feats: Endurance

Hit die


Skill points

6 + Int

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Deepwardens are proficient with all types of simple and martial weapons, all types of armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Track: A deepwarden gains Track as a bonus feat.

Trap Sense (Ex): A deepwarden has an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses increase by 1 at every three deepwarden levels thereafter (4th, 7th, and 10th). Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Stone Warden (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a deepwarden knows how to use his strengths to compensate for his weaknesses. He adds his Constitution bonus to AC instead of his Dexterity, if the character's Constitution bonus is higher. The deepwarden loses this bonus to his Armor Class whenever he would normally be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC. In such a situation, the deepwarden would still be considered flat-footed.

Animal Messenger (Sp): From 3rd level on, a deepwarden can compel a Tiny animal to carry a message to his allies at a spot he designates. This ability functions as the animal messenger spell (see page 198 of the Player's Handbook), with a caster level equal to the deepwarden's class level.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a deepwarden gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus (if any, or his Constitution bonus, if it's higher) to AC even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity (or Constitution) bonus to AC if immobilized. If a character gains uncanny dodge from a different class (a deepwarden with at least four levels of rogue, for example), he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Stubborn Mind (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a deepwarden has a mental resistance to outside influences. If a deepwarden with the stubborn mind ability is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. He gets only this one extra chance to succeed on his saving throw. This ability also works against a mind flayer's mind blast attack.

Sending (Sp): Beginning at 6th level, a deepwarden can contact a particular creature with which he is familiar and send a short message of twenty-five words or less. This ability functions as the sending spell (see page 275 of the Player's Handbook), with a caster level equal to the deepwarden's class level.

Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 7th level, a deep warden can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal —5 penalty. He takes only a —10 penalty (instead of the normal —20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 8th level and higher, a deepwarden can no longer be flanked; he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the deepwarden by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has deepwarden levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a different class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Greater Animal Messenger (Sp): At 9th level, a deepwarden gains the greater animal messenger ability. This functions as the animal messenger ability (see above), except the deepwarden can use an animal of up to Small size as his messenger.


The deepwarden prestige class has many class features suitable for any class whose members spend a long time away from civilization yet still need to communicate with it. Animal messenger, sending, and greater animal messenger would be appropriate class features for other prestige classes that focus on long-range reconnaissance, whether above the ground or below.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Track, trap sense +1
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Stone warden
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Animal messenger
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Stubborn mind
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Sending
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 Swift tracker, trap sense +3
8th +8 +6 +2 +6 Improved uncanny dodge
9th +9 +6 +3 +6 Greater animal messenger
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Trap sense +4

Class skills

Skill name Key ability Trained only Armor check penalty
Balance DEX no yes
Climb STR no yes
Concentration CON no no
Craft INT no no
Decipher Script INT yes no
Escape Artist DEX no yes
Handle Animal CHA yes no
Heal WIS no no
Hide DEX no yes
Jump STR no yes
Knowledge (dungeoneering) INT yes no
Knowledge (geography) INT yes no
Listen WIS no no
Move Silently DEX no yes
Search INT no no
Speak Language None yes no
Spot WIS no no
Survival WIS no no
Swim STR no yes
Use Rope DEX no no

Spells for Deepwarden