Duskblade level 1 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Bigby's Tripping Hand Evocation PH2
Blade of Blood Necromancy PH2
Burning Hands Evocation PH
Cause Fear Necromancy PH
Chill Touch Necromancy PH
Color Spray Illusion PH
Deflect, Lesser Abjuration PH2
Expeditious Retreat, Swift Transmutation CAd
Jump Transmutation PH
Kelgore's Fire Bolt Conjuration/Evocation PH2
Magic Weapon Transmutation PH
Obscuring Mist Conjuration PH
Ray of Enfeeblement Necromancy PH
Resist Energy Abjuration PH
Rouse Enchantment PH2
Shocking Grasp Evocation PH
Stand Conjuration PH2
True Strike Divination PH