Dread Fang of Lolth

(Drow of the Underdark variant, p. 76)

The dread fangs of Lolth are elite soldiers who fight for the drow matriarchs.


Base Attack Bonus: +5

Alignment: Lawful evil

Race: Drow

Skills: Hide 4 ranks , Listen 2 ranks , Move Silently 4 ranks , Spot 2 ranks

Special: Evasion, Sneak attack +2d6.

Hit die


Skill points

4 + Int

Class Features

Lolth's Will (Su): Your racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities increases to +4.

Lolth's Whispers (Su): The dread voice of the Spider Queen fills your thoughts. You gain a +2 insight bonus on damage rolls. As a swift action, you can give up this bonus and bestow it on an ally within 30 feet that you can clearly see. The ally's bonus lasts for 1 round.

Sudden Strike (Ex): You deal extra damage at any time when the target would be denied its Dexterity bonus. This extra damage applies to ranged attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. You can't use sudden strike to deliver nonlethal damage. Weapons capable of dealing only nonlethal damage don't deal extra damage when used as part of a sudden strike. Otherwise, this ability functions as the sneak attack rogue class feature (PH 50), and it stacks with sneak attack whenever both would apply to the same target. (This ability is the same as the ninja's sudden strike class feature, described in Complete Adventurer.)

This extra damage increases by 1d6 at each odd-numbered level beyond 1st.

Poison Use (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you never risk accidentally poisoning yourself when applying poison to a weapon.

Team Maneuverability (Ex): Also at 2nd level, you add one-half your class level as an insight bonus on Climb and Jump checks. All allies within 30 feet gain a +2 competence bonus on these checks if they can see you.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 3rd level, you cannot be caught flat-footed and react to danger before your senses would normally allow you to do so. See the uncanny dodge barbarian class feature, PH 26. If you already have this ability, you gain improved uncanny dodge instead (see below).

Improved Evasion (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, you can avoid damage from certain attacks with a successful Reflex save and take only half damage on a failed save. See the improved evasion monk class feature, PH 42.

Team Defense (Ex): At 4th level, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. As a swift action, you can give up and bestow this bonus onto an ally within 30 feet that you can clearly see. The ally's bonus lasts for 1 round. The dodge bonus increases to +2 at 8th level.

Spider Bite (Ex): By 6th level, you have learned where to strike your foes to best deliver your poison. When you attack with a poisoned weapon, the save DC to resist the initial effect increases by 2.

Opportunist (Ex): At 7th level, once per round, you can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been injured in melee by another character. See the opportunist rogue class feature, PH 51.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): From 9th level on, you can no longer be flanked. See the improved uncanny dodge barbarian class feature, PH 26.

Ambush (Ex): At 10th level, during a surprise round, you can act normally if aware of your opponents; you are not restricted to just a standard action and can perform a full round action, standard and move action, and so on. If you are surprised, you can still take a standard action.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Lolth's will, Lolth's whispers, sudden strike +1d6
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Poison use, team maneuverability
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Sudden strike +2d6, uncanny dodge
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Improved evasion, team defense +1
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Sudden strike +3d6
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Spider bite
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Opportunist, sudden strike +4d6
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Team defense +2
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Improved uncanny dodge, sudden strike +5d6
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Ambush

Class skills

Skill name Key ability Trained only Armor check penalty
Balance DEX no yes
Climb STR no yes
Escape Artist DEX no yes
Hide DEX no yes
Intimidate CHA no no
Jump STR no yes
Listen WIS no no
Move Silently DEX no yes
Spot WIS no no
Tumble DEX yes yes

Spells for Dread Fang of Lolth