Death Master level 0 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Arcane Mark Universal PH
Dancing Lights Evocation PH
Daze Enchantment PH
Detect Magic Divination PH
Detect Poison Divination PH
Disrupt Undead Necromancy PH
Flare Evocation PH
Ghost Sound Illusion PH
Inflict Minor Wounds Necromancy PH
Light Evocation PH
Mage Hand Transmutation PH
Mending Transmutation PH
Prestidigitation Universal PH
Ray of Frost Evocation PH
Read Magic Divination PH
Resistance Abjuration PH
Touch of Fatigue Necromancy PH
Virtue Transmutation PH