Blackguard level 1 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Know Greatest Enemy Divination Sc_
Mark of the Outcast Necromancy Und
Mark of the Outcast Necromancy Sc_
Protection from Incarnum Abjuration MoI
Resurgence Abjuration CD
Resurgence Abjuration Sc_
Secret Weapon Illusion Ci
Strategic Charge Abjuration Mag
Strategic Charge Abjuration Sc_
Summon Undead I Conjuration HH
Summon Undead I Conjuration LM
Summon Undead I Conjuration PG
Summon Undead I Conjuration Sc_
Traveler's Mount Transmutation CD
Traveler's Mount Transmutation Sc_