Blackguard level 2 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Blade of Pain and Fear Evocation Sc_
Blessed Aim Divination CD
Boneblade Necromancy BV
Clarity of Mind Abjuration Und
Curse of Ill Fortune Transmutation CD
Curse of Ill Fortune Transmutation Sc_
Demoncall Divination BV
Demoncall Divination FCI
Demonhide Abjuration Sc_
Devil's Eye Divination BV
Devil's Eye Transmutation FCII
Divine Presence Transmutation CC
Execration Necromancy CC
Hand of Divinity Evocation Mag
Hand of Divinity Evocation Sc_
Increase Virulence Transmutation PH2
Investiture of the Bearded Devil Transmutation FCII
Investiture of the Chain Devil Transmutation FCII
Master Cavalier Transmutation CC
Soul of Shadow Transmutation DM