Spells in Player's Handbook v.3.5

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Sequester Abjuration PH
Shades Illusion PH
Shadow Conjuration Illusion PH
Shadow Conjuration, Greater Illusion PH
Shadow Evocation Illusion PH
Shadow Evocation, Greater Illusion PH
Shadow Walk Illusion PH
Shambler Conjuration PH
Shapechange Transmutation PH
Shatter Evocation PH
Shield Abjuration PH
Shield of Faith Abjuration PH
Shield of Law Abjuration PH
Shield Other Abjuration PH
Shillelagh Transmutation PH
Shocking Grasp Evocation PH
Shout Evocation PH
Shout, Greater Evocation PH
Shrink Item Transmutation PH
Silence Illusion PH