Spells in Lords of Darkness ‹‹ prev 1 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Battletide Transmutation LD Combust Evocation LD Darkfire Evocation LD Devastate Undead Necromancy LD Dread Blast Necromancy LD Handfang Necromancy LD Mortal Wound Necromancy LD Mystic Lash Evocation LD Night's Mantle Abjuration LD Phantom Plow Evocation LD Shadow Canopy Evocation LD Shadow Tentacle, Greater Abjuration LD Shadow Tentacle, Lesser Abjuration LD Skull Eyes Transmutation LD Skull of Secrets Illusion LD Stasis Clone Necromancy LD Stone Walk Transmutation LD Triple Mask Illusion LD ‹‹ prev 1 next ››