Spells in Dragon Magic ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Adoration of the Frightful Enchantment DM Arcane Spellsurge Universal DM Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon Transmutation DM Aspect of the Platinum Dragon Transmutation DM Burst of Glacial Wrath Evocation/Transmutation DM Call of the Twilight Defender Conjuration DM Channel the Dragon Transmutation DM Curse of the Elemental Lords Necromancy DM Detect Dragonblood Divination DM Dragoneye Rune Universal DM Dragonshape, Least Transmutation DM Dragonshape, Lesser Transmutation DM Eyes of the Oracle Divination DM Ferocity of Sanguine Rage Transmutation/Divination DM Firestride Exhalation Conjuration/Evocation DM Form of the Desert Hunter Transmutation DM Glorious Master of the Elements Evocation DM Haze of Smoldering Stone Evocation DM Hoard Gullet Transmutation DM Justice of the Wyrm King Abjuration DM ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 next ››