Spells with Evil descriptor

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Blackwater Tentacle Conjuration Sto
Blasphemy Evocation PH
Bleakness Evocation PH2
Blessing of the Snake Mother Transmutation Gh
Bodak Birth Transmutation BV
Bodak's Glare Necromancy PlH
Bodak's Glare Necromancy Sc_
Boneblade Necromancy BV
Boneblast Necromancy BV
Call Dretch Horde Conjuration BV
Call Forth the Beast Enchantment HH
Call Lemure Horde Conjuration BV
Call Nightmare Conjuration BV
Chain of Sorrow Necromancy HH
Charnel Fire Necromancy BV
Cheat Transmutation BV
Cheat Transmutation Dr
Chromatic Ray Evocation DrF
Circle of Nausea Evocation BV
Claws of the Bebilith Transmutation BV