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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Find the Path Divination PH
Find Traps Divination PH
Finding the Center Abjuration CAr
Finding the Center Abjuration OA
Fine-tuning Transmutation SaS
Finger of Agony Necromancy CM
Finger of Death Necromancy PH
Finishing Move Iron Heart ToB
Fins to Feet Transmutation SS
Fins to Feet Transmutation Sto
Fins to feet Transmutation Sc_
Fire and Brimstone Conjuration CM
Fire Breath Evocation CAr
Fire Breath Evocation OA
Fire Eyes Transmutation MW
Fire In the Blood Transmutation HH
Fire Orb Evocation TB
Fire Orb, Lesser Conjuration MH
Fire Orb, Lesser Evocation TB
Fire Riposte Desert Wind ToB