Sorcerer level 6 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Blackwater Taint Necromancy Sto
Brilliant Blade Transmutation CAr
Bull's Strength, Mass Transmutation PH
Burrow, Mass Transmutation Und
Cacophonic Shield Evocation Mag
Call of the Twilight Defender Conjuration DM
Cat's Grace, Mass Transmutation PH
Chain Lightning Evocation PH
Channel the Mishtai, Greater Necromancy MoI
Chasing Perfection Transmutation PH2
Circle of Death Necromancy PH
Cloak of Hate Enchantment HH
Cloak of the Sea Transmutation CAd
Cloak of the Sea Transmutation Sc_
Conjure Midnight Construct Conjuration MoI
Construct Essence, Mass Lesser Transmutation FE
Contagion, Mass Necromancy Rac
Contagion, Mass Necromancy Sc_
Contingency Evocation PH
Contingent Spell Lock Transmutation Gh