(Complete Champion variant, p. 105)
Shadowspies are the covert arm of Pelor's Shadow Guard.
Alignment: Any good
Skills: Gather Information 6 ranks , Hide 6 ranks , Move Silently 6 ranks
Feats: Good Devotion , Healing Devotion , Strength Devotion , Sun Devotion
Spellcasting: Able to cast 1st-level divine spells.
Special: Must be a cleric or paladin of Pelor.
Hit die
Skill points
6 + Int
Class Features
Spellcasting: At each even-numbered level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a shadowspy, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
Aura of Anonymity (Su): You leave few impressions upon those you meet, and even fewer upon those unexceptional souls you pass in the street. When you are walking in a crowd of ten or more individuals, you gain a divine bonus equal to your shadowspy level on Disguise and Hide checks.
Radiance of Pelor (Su): Pelor has granted you the power to enhance sources of light so that they shine as brightly as the sun. As a swift action, you can augment any or all light sources within 60 feet (including torches, lamps, lanterns, and campfires, as well as objects that are the target of a light spell and magic weapons that glow). The range of any light source so affected doubles, and the effect lasts a number of hours equal to your shadowspy level, or until the light source is extinguished, whichever occurs first. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum once).
Bonus Feat: At 2nd level and every 3rd level thereafter, you can select a bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites from the following list: Acrobatic, Alertness, Athletic, Combat Casting, Deceitful, Extra Turning, Improved Turning, Investigator, Good Devotion (see page 58), Persuasive, Stealthy.
Immunity to Blindness (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you cannot be blinded by magical effects, spells, or bright light. Physical barriers to sight, such as blindfolds and solid objects, still prevent you from seeing. Additionally, any wounds that cause the destruction of your eyes still blind you.
Veil of Pelor (Sp): When you attain 3rd level, your motives and morality become almost impossible to determine. As an immediate action, you can use undetectable alignment, as the spell (caster level equals your character level). This ability is usable at will.
Personal Eclipse (Su): Beginning at 4th level, you can manipulate the direction and intensity of light. By redirecting and dimming ambient illumination, you can cast shadows around your body to better conceal your presence. Doing so grants you a circumstance bonus equal to one-half your shadowspy level on Hide checks. This ability can be used at will but is effective only in areas where light is present.
Truth of the Light (Sp): When you attain 6th level, creatures in your company find it difficult to tell deliberate untruths. At will, you can use zone of truth, as the spell (caster level equals your character level). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your shadowspy level.
Blinding Light (Su): At 7th level, you learn to blind nearby foes with a brief but intense flash of light. Twice per day, you can project a beam of light from your palm in a cone-shaped burst with a range of 15 feet. Any creature in the area that fails a Reflex save (DC 10 + shadowspy level + Wis modifier) is blinded for 1d6 rounds. Sightless creatures are not affected by this ability.
Sun's Revelation (Su): At 8th level, you become adept at detecting untruths spoken in your presence. At will, you can use discern lies, as the spell (caster level equals your character level).
Hide in Plain Sight (Su): Beginning at 9th level, you can use the Hide skill even while being observed, as long as you are in a sunlit location. See the ranger class feature (PH 48).
Vision of Pelor (Su): At 10th level, you can see through even the most potent illusions. Three times per day, you can use true seeing at will, as the spell (caster level equals your character level).
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special | Spellcasting |
1st | +0 | +0 | +2 | +2 | Aura of anonymity, radiance of Pelor | — |
2nd | +1 | +0 | +3 | +3 | Bonus feat, immunity to blindness | +1 level of existing spellcasting class |
3rd | +2 | +1 | +3 | +3 | Veil of Pelor | — |
4th | +3 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Personal eclipse | +1 level of existing spellcasting class |
5th | +3 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Bonus feat | — |
6th | +4 | +2 | +5 | +5 | Truth of the light | +1 level of existing spellcasting class |
7th | +5 | +2 | +5 | +5 | Blinding light | — |
8th | +6 | +2 | +6 | +6 | Bonus feat, sun's revelation | +1 level of existing spellcasting class |
9th | +6 | +3 | +6 | +6 | Hide in plain sight | — |
10th | +7 | +3 | +7 | +7 | Vision of Pelor | +1 level of existing spellcasting class |
Class skills
Skill name | Key ability | Trained only | Armor check penalty |
Balance | DEX | ||
Bluff | CHA | ||
Climb | STR | ||
Concentration | CON | ||
Decipher Script | INT | ||
Disguise | CHA | ||
Escape Artist | DEX | ||
Forgery | INT | ||
Gather Information | CHA | ||
Hide | DEX | ||
Jump | STR | ||
Knowledge (local) | INT | ||
Knowledge (religion) | INT | ||
Listen | WIS | ||
Move Silently | DEX | ||
Open Lock | DEX | ||
Search | INT | ||
Sense Motive | WIS | ||
Speak Language | None | ||
Spot | WIS | ||
Tumble | DEX |