Spells in Necromancy

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Channeled Lifetheft Necromancy CM
Charnel Fire Necromancy BV
Chill of the Grave Necromancy LM
Chill of the Grave Necromancy Sc_
Chill Touch Necromancy PH
Choking Sands Necromancy Sa
Circle of Death Necromancy PH
Circlet of Enervation Necromancy ShS
Clone Necromancy PH
Clutch of Orcus Necromancy BV
Clutch of Orcus Necromancy LM
Clutch of Orcus Necromancy Sc_
Command Undead Necromancy PH
Command Undead Necromancy TB
Consume Likeness Necromancy BV
Consumptive Field Necromancy LM
Consumptive Field Necromancy Sc_
Consumptive Field, Greater Necromancy LM
Consumptive Field, Greater Necromancy Sc_
Contagion Necromancy PH