Spells in Necromancy

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Awaken Undead Necromancy Sc_
Backbiter Necromancy CAr
Backbiter Necromancy Sc_
Barghest's Feast Necromancy PlH
Barghest's Feast Necromancy Sc_
Beltyn's Burning Blood Necromancy Una
Bestow Curse Necromancy PH
Bestow Curse, Greater Necromancy Sc_
Bite of the King Necromancy LM
Bite of the King Necromancy Sc_
Black Lungs Necromancy Gh
Black Sand Necromancy Sa
Black Talon Necromancy PG
Blackfire Necromancy CAr
Blackfire Necromancy Sc_
Blackrot Necromancy CM
Blackwater Taint Necromancy Sto
Blade of Blood Necromancy PH2
Bleed Necromancy CC
Blight Necromancy DF