Spells in Necromancy

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Revive Undead Necromancy Sc_
Righteous Glare Necromancy BE
Rigor Mortis Necromancy HH
Sanctify the Wicked Necromancy BE
Scare Necromancy PH
Scarecrow Necromancy MW
Scourge Necromancy CD
Scourge Necromancy DF
Scourge Necromancy Sc_
Secure Corpse Necromancy BE
Seed of Undeath Necromancy CM
Seed of Undeath, Greater Necromancy CM
Semblance of Life Necromancy MoE
Sever Legacy Necromancy WL
Shadow Arrow Necromancy CR
Shivering Touch Necromancy Fr
Shivering Touch, Lesser Necromancy Fr
Shriveling Necromancy BV
Shroud of Undeath Necromancy Gh
Shroud of Undeath Necromancy Mag