Spells in Necromancy

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Finger of Death Necromancy PH
Fleshshiver Necromancy PG
Fleshshiver Necromancy Sc_
Frostburn Necromancy Fr
Frostburn, Lesser Necromancy Fr
Frostburn, Mass Necromancy Fr
Gelid Blood Necromancy Fr
General of Undeath Necromancy Gh
General of Undeath Necromancy Mag
General of Undeath Necromancy PG
General of Undeath Necromancy Sc_
Gentle Repose Necromancy PH
Ghost Companion Necromancy Gh
Ghost Light Necromancy CAr
Ghost Light Necromancy OA
Ghost Venom Necromancy Gh
Ghoul Gauntlet Necromancy LM
Ghoul Gauntlet Necromancy Sc_
Ghoul Gesture Necromancy LM
Ghoul Gesture Necromancy Sc_