Spells in Enchantment ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 15 16 17 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Big Sky Enchantment MW Binding Enchantment PH Black Karma Curse Enchantment PH2 Bless Enchantment PH Bolts of Bedevilment Enchantment CD Bolts of Bedevilment Enchantment DF Bolts of Bedevilment Enchantment DD Bolts of Bedevilment Enchantment LoM Bolts of Bedevilment Enchantment Sc_ Bolts of Bedevilment Enchantment ECS Bothersome Babble Enchantment CM Bottomless Hate Enchantment Gh Call Forth the Beast Enchantment HH Calm Animals Enchantment PH Calm Emotions Enchantment PH Calm, Mass Enchantment MW Caterwaul Enchantment CM Celebration Enchantment Mag Celebration Enchantment Sc_ Chaav's Laugh Enchantment BE ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 15 16 17 next ››