Spells in ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 5 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Spell Enhancer Transmutation PG Spell Phylactery Transmutation PG Spell Shield Abjuration PG Spellmantle Abjuration PG Stone Body Transmutation PG Stone Walk Conjuration PG Strength of the Beast Transmutation PG Summon Undead I Conjuration PG Summon Undead II Conjuration PG Summon Undead III Conjuration PG Summon Undead IV Conjuration PG Summon Undead V Conjuration PG Sunrise Evocation PG Surelife Abjuration PG Sword and Hammer Evocation PG Sword and Hammer, Greater Evocation PG Thorn Spray Transmutation PG Transcribe Symbol Abjuration PG Tree Healing Conjuration PG Triple Mask Illusion PG ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 5 next ››