Spells in Planar Handbook ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Corporeal Instability Transmutation PlH Death Throes Necromancy PlH Demon Dirge Transmutation PlH Devil Blight Transmutation PlH Discolor Pool Illusion PlH Evil Glare Necromancy PlH False Gravity Transmutation PlH Fierce Pride of the Beastlands Conjuration PlH Focus Touchstone Energy Transmutation PlH Hamatula Barbs Transmutation PlH Heavenly Host Conjuration PlH Hellish Horde Conjuration PlH Holy Storm Conjuration PlH Hunters of Hades Conjuration PlH Infernal Wound Transmutation PlH Lay of the Land Divination PlH Light of Lunia Evocation PlH Light of Mercuria Evocation PlH Light of Venya Evocation PlH Locate Touchstone Divination PlH ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 next ››