Spells in Magic of Faerun

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Speechlink Divination Mag
Speed Swim Transmutation Mag
Spell Engine Abjuration Mag
Spell Enhancer Transmutation Mag
Spell Phylactery Transmutation Mag
Spell Shield Abjuration Mag
Spellmantle Abjuration Mag
Spider Poison Necromancy Mag
Spirit Worm Necromancy Mag
Stalking Brand Transmutation Mag
Steeldance Evocation Mag
Stone Bones Transmutation Mag
Stone Shatter Evocation Mag
Stone Walk Transmutation Mag
Stonehold Conjuration Mag
Storm Tower Abjuration Mag
Stormrage Transmutation Mag
Strategic Charge Abjuration Mag
Strength of Stone Transmutation Mag
Summon Undead I Conjuration Mag