Spells in Dragon Magic ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Kiss of Draconic Defiance Abjuration DM Lord of the Sky Evocation/Transmutation DM Magic of the Dragonheart Transmutation DM Mark of the Enlightened Soul Transmutation DM Mind of the Labyrinth Enchantment DM Passage of the Shifting Sands Transmutation/Evocation DM Path of Frost Transmutation DM Primal Hunter Transmutation DM Primal Instinct Transmutation DM Primal Senses Transmutation DM Primal Speed Transmutation DM Rot of Ages Conjuration/Necromancy DM Soul of Anarchy Transmutation DM Soul of Light Transmutation DM Soul of Order Transmutation DM Soul of Shadow Transmutation DM Touch of the Blackened Soul Transmutation DM Trance of the Verdant Domain Enchantment DM Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords Conjuration DM Vision of the Omniscient Eye Divination/Evocation DM ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 next ››