Spells with Lawful descriptor ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Mechanus Mind Enchantment PlH Mechanus Mind Enchantment Sc_ Order's Wrath Evocation PH Protection from Chaos Abjuration PH Shield of Law Abjuration PH Soul of Order Transmutation DM Summon Bearded Devil Conjuration PlH Summon Bearded Devil Conjuration Sc_ Summon Clockwork Mender Swarm Conjuration MM4 Summon Hound Archon Conjuration PlH Summon Hound Archon Conjuration Sc_ Summon Warforged Champion Conjuration FE Sun Scepter Conjuration LE Turn Anathema Enchantment CC Wall of Law Abjuration Sc_ Weight of Sin Evocation CC ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ››