Spells with Language-Dependent descriptor ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Advice Enchantment OA Command Enchantment PH Command, Greater Enchantment PH Enthrall Enchantment PH Familial Geas Enchantment HH Forest Voice Transmutation CC Geas, Lesser Enchantment PH Geas/quest Enchantment PH Insidious Suggestion Enchantment RE Inspired Aim Enchantment BE Interplanar Message Evocation MP Interplanar Message Evocation Sc_ Message Transmutation PH Reveille Necromancy Mag Reveille Necromancy Sc_ Speak to Allies Transmutation SS Speak to Allies Transmutation Sc_ Speak With Dead Necromancy PH Suggestion Enchantment PH Suggestion, Mass Enchantment PH ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ››