Drunken Master

(Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters variant, p. 14)

By weaving and staggering about as if inebriated, drunken boxers avoid many blows.


Base Attack Bonus: +4

Skills: Tumble 6 ranks

Feats: Great Fortitude , Dodge

Base Unarmed Attack Bonus: +4.
Other: Evasion ability, must be chosen by existing drunken masters and survive night of revelry among them without being incarcerated, poisoned, or extraordinarily embarrassed.

Hit die


Skill points

4 + Int

Class Features

Drink Like a Demon: Your body handles alcohol differently from other people's. You can drink a large tankard of ale, a bottle of wine, or a corresponding amount of stronger alcohol as a move-equivalent action. Every bottle or tankard of alcohol you consume during combat reduces your Dexterity, Wisdom, and Intelligence by 1 point each, but increases your Strength or Constitution (your choice) by 1 point. However, your Reflex save bonus, Dexterity bonus to Tumble, and AC bonus remain at their original levels regardless of your new Dexterity modifier. Your body metabolizes one drink per hour, reducing both the penalties and the bonus accordingly. You only gain the Strength and Constitution bonuses for alcohol drunk during a fight, and the bonuses only last until the end of the combat. (The penalties disappear more gradually.) What quantity of alcohol constitutes a "drink" is deliberately left undefined.

Bottle Proficiency: You can use bottles and large tankards as weapons using your unarmed base attack bonus, including your more favorable number of attacks per round. Bottles do 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage with their first blow, then 1d4 points of slashing damage thereafter. Tankards do 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage. Furthermore, you can make these attacks without spilling most of the liquid inside.

Stagger: By tripping, stumbling, and staggering, you can make a charge attack that surprises your opponents. This has two beneficial aspects: First, your charges need not be in straight lines, and you still move up to twice your speed. Second, make a Tumble check (DC 15) when you begin your charge. If you succeed, your movement through threatened squares provokes no attacks of opportunity.

Swaying Waist: You weave and bob about as you attack. You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any one opponent you choose during your turn. This supersedes the Dodge feat, but functions like it in all other ways.

Improvised Weapons: You can use furniture, farm implements, or nearly anything else at hand to attack your foes. Anything from a ladder to a haunch of meat to a barstool is a weapon once you imbue it with your ki using this ability. Regardless of the exact item, the weapon does 1d6 points of damage at your more advantageous number of attacks per round. Most items do bludgeoning damage, although shish-kabob skewers, for example, would do piercing damage. Long items (such as ladders) have reach according to their length, and items with many protrusions (such as chairs) give you a +2 bonus on Disarm attempts. Finally, large items with broad, flat surfaces (such as tables) can be upended to become improvised tower shields.

Drunken Rage: You can rage just as a barbarian does, with a duration equal to your (new) Constitution modifier plus the number of drinks you have consumed. You gain +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, and a —2 penalty to AC. This ability supersedes the Strength and Constitution bonuses from drink like a demon.

Lurch: Your lurching movements let you make one feinting in combat Bluff check (opposed by Sense Motive) per round as a move-equivalent action. You gain a +4 competence bonus to Bluff checks made for this purpose.

Drunken Embrace: You can grapple an opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity, and you gain a +4 competence bonus on all opposed grapple checks.

For Medicinal Purposes: By combining your ki power with alcohol, you can convert an alcoholic drink to a potion of cure moderate wounds up to three times per day. The alcohol activates the ki in your body, so the cure only works on you. Alcohol drunk in this way neither impairs nor improves your ability scores.

Corkscrew Rush: You leap forward, twisting your body in midair as you head-butt an opponent. This is a charge attack that, in addition to dealing normal damage, automatically initiates a bull rush attack (without provoking an attack of opportunity). Furthermore, you are considered to have the Power Attack feat for the purposes of a corkscrew rush, and if you hit your opponent, you stun your foe unless she makes a Will save (DC 17 + the drunken master's Wisdom modifier). However, if your attack misses, you land prone in front of your opponent.

Breath of Flame: You can use your ki to ignite the alcohol within you and spew it forth from your mouth in a breath of flame. Breath of flame deals 3d12 points of fire damage to all within the 20-foot cone (Reflex save DC 18 for half ). Each time you use breath of flame, it consumes one drink's worth of alcohol within you, reducing both penalties and bonuses to your ability scores.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Speed 50 ft., drink like a demon, bottle proficiency, unarmed damage 1d8
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Stagger
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Speed 60 ft., swaying waist
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 AC bonus +1, improvised weapons
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Drunken rage, unarmed damage 1d10
6th +6 +5 +5 +2 Speed 70 ft., lurch
7th +7 +5 +5 +2 Drunken embrace
8th +8 +6 +6 +2 For medicinal purposes
9th +9 +6 +6 +3 AC bonus +2, speed 80 ft., corkscrew rush, unarmed damage 1d12
10th +10 +7 +7 +3 Breath of flame
Base Attack Bonus: Note that, like a monk, a drunken master makes unarmed iterative attacks at a —3 penalty, not the usual —5 penalty.

Class skills

Skill name Key ability Trained only Armor check penalty
Balance DEX no yes
Bluff CHA no no
Climb STR no yes
Craft INT no no
Escape Artist DEX no yes
Hide DEX no yes
Jump STR no yes
Listen WIS no no
Move Silently DEX no yes
Perform CHA no no
Profession WIS yes no
Swim STR no yes
Tumble DEX yes yes

Also appears in

  1. Complete Warrior

Spells for Drunken Master