
Feat Category – Vile

Feat name Short description Rulebook
The elder evil you serve is fickle in its rewards ... Elder Evils
Entities of utter evil and villainy have a stake in ... Elder Evils
Abominable Form You revel in the ruination of your flesh, drawing power ... Elder Evils
Abyss-Bound Soul You have pledged your immortal soul to a particular demon ... Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss
Abyss-Bound Soul You have pledged your immortal soul to a particular demon ... Elder Evils
Apostate Your hatred of the gods cloaks you with potent resistance ... Elder Evils
Beloved of Demons The tanar'ri reward you with unholy vitality whenever you defeat ... Exemplars of Evil
Blessing of the Godless You invoke the dreadful power of darkness and evil to ... Exemplars of Evil
Blood War Conscript Your evil brand indicates your rank in the armies of ... Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss
Chosen of Evil Your naked devotion to wickedness causes dark powers to take ... Elder Evils
Dark Speech The character learns a smattering of the language of truly ... Book of Vile Darkness
Dark Speech You learn a smattering of the language of truly dark ... Elder Evils
Dark Speech You learn a smattering of the language of truly dark ... Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss
Dark Whispers By whispering foul utterances in the Dark Speech, you can ... Elder Evils
Deformity (Clawed Hands) Because of intentional self-mutilation, the character has deformed arms and ... Book of Vile Darkness
Deformity (Eyes) The character has either drilled a hole in her forehead ... Book of Vile Darkness
Deformity (Eyes) You have either drilled a hole in your forehead trying ... Elder Evils
Deformity (Face) Because of intentional self-mutilation, the character has a hideous face. Book of Vile Darkness
Deformity (Face) Because of intentional self-mutilation, you have a hideous face. Elder Evils
Deformity (Gaunt) Through intentional starvation and macabre operations, the character is grossly ... Book of Vile Darkness

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