Spells in Conjuration ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 36 37 38 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Arc of Lightning Conjuration MH Arc of Lightning Conjuration Sc_ Arctic Haze Conjuration Fr Armageddon Conjuration BE Arrowsplit Conjuration CR Ashstar Conjuration Sa Astral Hospice Conjuration PlH Astral Hospice Conjuration Sc_ Axiomatic Storm Conjuration PlH Axiomatic Storm Conjuration Sc_ Baleful Transposition Conjuration MH Baleful Transposition Conjuration Sc_ Bands of Steel Conjuration CAr Bands of Steel Conjuration Sc_ Bedevil Conjuration CR Beget Bogun Conjuration CD Beget Bogun Conjuration MW Beget Bogun Conjuration MM2 Beget Bogun Conjuration Sc_ Benign Transposition Conjuration MH ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 36 37 38 next ››