Mortal Wound
(Lords of Darkness)Necromancy
Level: Cleric 4 (Bhaal, Cyric),
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw: Will half (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You fire a black ray of negative energy at a single target.
You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to strike your target.
A creature struck by this ray takes 3d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (up to +20).
The spell has no effect on constructs or inanimate objects.
Since undead are powered negative energy, this spell cures them of a like amount of damage, rather than harming them.