
Spells in Deathbound domain

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Avascular Mass Necromancy LM
Avascular Mass Necromancy Sc_
Avasculate Necromancy LM
Avasculate Necromancy Sc_
Awaken Undead Necromancy LM
Awaken Undead Necromancy Sc_
Blade of Pain and Fear Evocation LM
Blade of Pain and Fear Evocation Sc_
Chill of the Grave Necromancy LM
Chill of the Grave Necromancy Sc_
Fangs of the Vampire King Transmutation LM
Fangs of the Vampire King Transmutation Sc_
Revive Undead Necromancy LM
Revive Undead Necromancy Sc_
Wail of the Banshee Necromancy PH
Wither Limb Necromancy LM
Wither Limb Necromancy Sc_