Warmage level 1 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Accuracy Transmutation CAr
Acid Orb, Lesser Conjuration MH
Burning Hands Evocation PH
Chill Touch Necromancy PH
Cold Orb, Lesser Conjuration MH
Electric Orb, Lesser Conjuration MH
Fire Orb, Lesser Conjuration MH
Fist of Stone Transmutation CAr
Hail of Stone Conjuration CAr
Magic Missile Evocation PH
Orb of Acid, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Cold, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Electricity, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Fire, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Sound, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Shocking Grasp Evocation PH
Sonic Orb, Lesser Conjuration MH
True Strike Divination PH