Talon of Tiamat
(Draconomicon variant, p. 134)
The talon of Tiamat furthers the goals of evil dragonkind.
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Alignment: Any evil
Skills: Bluff 4 ranks , Intimidate 4 ranks , Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks
Feats: Dragonthrall
Languages: Draconic.
Hit die
Skill points
2 + Int
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A talon of Tiamat is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor, and with shields.
Breath Weapon (Su): At 1st level, a talon of Tiamat gains the ability to breathe out a cone of frost (size of the cone corresponds to the size of the character) that deals 3d6 points of cold damage. As the talon gains levels, additional versions of his breath weapon become available to him. At 3rd level, the talon can breathe a line of acid (8d4 acid damage). At 5th level, he can breathe a cone of corrosive gas (10d6 acid damage). At 7th level, he can expel a line of lightning (12d8 electricity damage). At 9th level, he can breathe a cone of fire (14d8 fire damage). In each case, a successful Reflex save halves the damage dealt. The DC for saves against the talon's breath weapon is 10 + talon class level + Con modifier. A talon of Tiamat can use each of his breath weapons once per day. Once a talon uses any of his breath weapons, he can't use any other breath weapon until 1d4 rounds have passed.
Spellcasting: When an even-numbered talon of Tiamat level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he adds 1/2 his talon of Tiamat level to the level of some other spellcasting class he has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If a character takes two or more levels in this class before having any levels in a spellcasting class, he does not receive this spellcasting benefit. If he thereafter takes levels in one or more spellcasting classes, he becomes eligible to receive the spellcasting benefit for any level in the talon of Tiamat class that he has not already attained. For example, a 7th-level fighter/2nd-level talon of Tiamat does not receive the spellcasting benefit for being a 2nd-level talon of Tiamat because he did not belong to a spellcasting class before taking 2nd level in the prestige class. If he then picks up one or more levels of wizard before advancing to 4th level in the talon of Tiamat class, he receives the spellcasting benefit of a 4th-level talon of Tiamat (when he attains that level) but does not receive the 2nd-level benefit retroactively.
Voice of the Dragon (Ex): At 2nd level, a talon of Tiamat gains a +2 bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks. This bonus increases by +2 every four levels thereafter, to +4 at 6th level and +6 at 10th level.
Keen Senses (Ex): A talon of Tiamat gains low-light vision at 4th level. He gains darkvision out to 60 feet at 8th level.
Immunities (Ex): At 6th level, a talon of Tiamat gains immunity to magic sleep and paralysis effects. In addition, he gains immunity to one of the following forms of energy, at his option: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Once an energy immunity is selected, the decision may never be changed.
Frightful Presence (Ex): An 8th-level talon of Tiamat can unsettle foes with his mere presence. The talon of Tiamat can activate his frightful presence as a free action. Creatures within a radius of 30 feet per point of Charisma modifier (minimum 30 feet) are subject to the effect if they have fewer Hit Dice than the talon of Tiamat (dragons are immune to the effect). A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + talon's class level + talon's Cha modifier) remains immune to that talon's frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 2d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 2d6 rounds.
Dominate Dragon (Su): A 10th-level talon of Tiamat can attempt to dominate any dragon (as dominate monster, but it only applies to dragons) once per day. The target may attempt a Will save to negate the effect (DC 10 + talon's class level + talon's Cha modifier).
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special | Spellcasting |
1st | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Breath weapon (cone of cold) | — |
2nd | +1 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Voice of the dragon +2 | +1 level of existing class |
3rd | +2 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Breath weapon (line of acid) | — |
4th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Keen senses | +1 level of existing class |
5th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Breath weapon (cone of corrosive gas) | — |
6th | +4 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Immunities, voice of the dragon +4 | +1 level of existing class |
7th | +5 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Breath weapon (line of lightning | — |
8th | +6 | +6 | +2 | +2 | Keen senses, frightful presence | +1 level of existing class |
9th | +6 | +6 | +3 | +3 | Breath weapon (cone of fire) | — |
10th | +7 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Dominate dragon, voice of the dragon +6 | +1 level of existing class |
Class skills
Skill name | Key ability | Trained only | Armor check penalty |
Appraise | INT | ||
Bluff | CHA | ||
Concentration | CON | ||
Intimidate | CHA | ||
Knowledge (arcana) | INT | ||
Ride | DEX | ||
Search | INT | ||
Sense Motive | WIS | ||
Spellcraft | INT |