Classes in Complete Warrior Class name Prestige Bear Warrior Bladesinger Cavalier Dark Hunter Darkwood Stalker Dervish Drunken Master Exotic Weapon Master Eye of Gruumsh Frenzied Berserker Gnome Giant-slayer Halfling Outrider Hexblade Hulking Hurler Hunter of the Dead Invisible Blade Justiciar Kensai Knight of the Chalice Knight Protector Master of the Unseen Hand Master Thrower Mindspy Nature's Warrior Occult Slayer Order of the Bow Initiate Paladin Variant Purple Dragon Knight Rage Mage Ranger Variant Ravager Reaping Mauler Ronin Samurai Spellsword Stonelord Swashbuckler Tattooed Monk Thayan Knight War Chanter Warshaper