Classes Filter: [+] Class name: Rulebook: Unknown Player's Handbook 3.0 Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5 Monster Manual Monster Manual v.3.5 Player's Handbook v.3.5 Web Dragonlance Campaign Setting Dragonmarked Dragons of Ebberon Eberron Campaign Setting Explorer's Handbook Eyes of the Lich Queen Faiths of Eberron Five Nations Magic of Eberron Player's Guide to Eberron Races of Eberron Secrets of Sarlona Secrets of Xen'drik Sharn: City of Towers The Forge of War Faiths & Pantheons Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Lords of Darkness Magic of Faerun Races of Faerun Silver Marches Unapproachable East Champions of Ruin Champions of Valor City of Splendors: Waterdeep Dragons of Faerun Lost Empires of Faerun Power of Faerun Serpent Kingdoms Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land Shining South Underdark Oriental Adventures Arms and Equipment Guide Book of Challenges: Dungeon Rooms, Puzzles, and Traps Book of Vile Darkness Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins Deities and Demigods Enemies and Allies Epic Level Handbook Feats Fiend Folio Ghostwalk Manual of the Planes Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers Psionics Handbook 3.0 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil Savage Species Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues Stronghold Builder's Guidebook Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers Book of Exalted Deeds CityScape Complete Adventurer Complete Arcane Complete Champion Complete Divine Complete Mage Complete Psionic Complete Scoundrel Complete Warrior Draconomicon Dragon Compendium Dragon Magic Drow of the Underdark Dungeon Master's Guide II Dungeonscape Elder Evils Exemplars of Evil Expanded Psionics Handbook Expedition to Castle Ravenloft Expedition to the Demonweb Pits Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells Frostburn Heroes of Battle Heroes of Horror Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead Lords of Madness Magic Item Compendium Magic of Incarnum Miniatures Handbook Monster Manual II Monster Manual III Monster Manual IV Monster Manual V Planar Handbook Player's Handbook II Races of Destiny Races of Stone Races of the Dragon Races of the Wild Red Hand of Doom Sandstorm Spell Compendium Stormwrack The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords Tome of Magic Unearthed Arcana Weapons of Legacy Edition: Core (3.0) Core (3.5) Dragonlance (3.5) Eberron (3.5) Forgotten Realms (3.0) Forgotten Realms (3.5) Oriental Adventures (3.0) Supplementals (3.0) Supplementals (3.5) Character class prestige: Unknown Yes No Required Base Attack (range): ≤ value ≤ Skill points/level (range): ≤ value ≤ Class feature: Hit die (range): ≤ value ≤ Race: Any Aasimar Bariaur Diabolus Diopsid Doppleganger Drow Dvati Dwarf Elf Feral gargan Gnome Goliath Half-elf Half-moon elf Half-ogre Half-ogres Half-Orc Halfling Hengeyokai Human Illumian Jerren Kalashtar Korobukuru Kuo-Toa Lupin Minotaur Nezumi Orc Pixie (Sprite) Raptoran Skarn Skulk Spirit Folk, Bamboo Spirit Folk, River Spirit Folk, Sea Tibbit Tiefling Underfolk Vanara Vashar Whisper Gnome Skills: Any Alchemy Animal Empathy Appraise Autohypnosis Balance Bluff Climb Concentration Control Shape Craft Decipher Script Diplomacy Disable Device Disguise Escape Artist Forgery Gather Information Handle Animal Heal Hide Iaijutsu Focus Innuendo Intimidate Intuit Direction Jump Knowledge Knowledge (arcana) Knowledge (architecture and engineering) Knowledge (barbarian lore) Knowledge (code of martial honor) Knowledge (dungeoneering) Knowledge (geography) Knowledge (history) Knowledge (law) Knowledge (local) Knowledge (nature) Knowledge (nobility and royalty) Knowledge (psionics) Knowledge (religion) Knowledge (Shadowlands) Knowledge (spirits) Knowledge (tactics) Knowledge (the planes) Knowledge (War) Knowledge (weaponry) Listen Lucid Dreaming Martial Lore Move Silently Open Lock Perform Pick Pocket Profession Psicraft Read Lips Ride Scry Search Sense Motive Sleight of Hand Speak Language Spellcraft Spot Survival Swim Truespeak Tumble Use Magic Device Use Psionic Device Use Rope Wilderness Lore Feats: Any Aberrant Dragonmark Aberrant Dragonmark Gift Aberrant Dragonmark Mystery Aberrant Dragonmark Vigor Aberration Banemagic Aberration Banemagic Aberration Blood Aberration Wild Shape Ability Enchancer Ability Focus Ability Focus Ability Focus Ability Focus Ability Focus Ability Focus Able Learner Able Sniper Abominable Form Abrasive Absent-minded Abyss-Bound Soul Abyss-Bound Soul Accelerate Metamagic Accurate Jaunt Acheron Flurry Acidic Splatter Acrobatic Acrobatic Acrobatic Backstab Acrobatic Strike Action Boost Action Healing Action Surge Active Shield Defense Adamantine Body Adamantine Body Adamantine Body Adaptable Flanker Adaptive Style Additional Favored Class Additional Magic Item Space Adroit Flyby Attack Advantageous Avoidance Aerenal Arcanist Aerenal Beastmaster Aerenal Half-Life Aereni Focus Aerial Reflexes Aerial Superiority Aftersight Aggressive Aggressive Mind Agile Agile Athlete Agile Shield Fighter Agile Tyrant Agony Touch Air Bloodline Air Devotion Air Heritage Alacritous Cogitation Alertness Aleval School Aligned Attack Allied Defense Alluring Alternate Form Altitude Adaptation Altitude Adaptation Ambidexterity Anarchic Bloodline Anarchic Heritage Ancestral Guidance Ancestral Knowledge Ancestral Relic Ancestral Spirit Ancestral Whispers Animal Affinity Animal Control Animal Defiance Animal Devotion Animal Friend Animal Friends Ankheg Tribe Ambush Antagonist Antipsionic Magic Anvil of Thunder Apostate Appraise Magic Value Apprentice Aquatic Breath Aquatic Shot Aquatic Spellcasting Arachnid Rider Arcane Accompaniment Arcane Consumption Arcane Defense Arcane Defense Arcane Disciple Arcane Flourish Arcane Insight Arcane Manipulation Arcane mastery Arcane Preparation Arcane Preparation Arcane Preparation Arcane Preparation Arcane Schooling Arcane Schooling Arcane Strike Arcane Thesis Arcane Toughness Arcane Transfiguration Archivist of Nature Arctic Adaptation Arctic Priest Area Attack Armor of Scales Armor Proficiency (heavy) Armor Proficiency (light) Armor Proficiency (medium) Armor Skin Armor Skin Armor Specialization Art of Fascination Arterial Strike Arterial Strike Artist Artist Artist Ascetic Hunter Ascetic Knight Ascetic Mage Ascetic Psion Ascetic Rogue Ascetic Stalker Ashbound Ashbound Mark Assume Quirk Assume Supernatural Ability Astral Tracking At Home In The Deep Athletic Athletic Attention to Detail Attune Gem Attune Magical Weapon Augment Elemental Augment Healing Augment Summoning Augment Summoning Augment Summoning Augmented Alchemy Augmented Alchemy Auspicious Marking Automatic Quicken Spell Automatic Quicken Spell Automatic Silent Spell Automatic Silent Spell Automatic Still Spell Automatic Still Spell Autonomous Avenging Strike Awaken Frightful Presence Awaken Spell Resistance Awesome Blow Awesome Blow Awesome Blow Awesome Blow Awesome Smite Axeshield Axespike Axethrower Axiomatic Bloodline Axiomatic Heritage Axiomatic Strike Axiomatic Strike Azerblood Azure Enmity Azure Talent Azure Touch Azure Toughness Azure Turning Azure Wild Shape Back on Your Feet Baleful Moan Ballista Proficiency Bane Magic Bane Magic Bane of Argonnessen Bane of Enemies Bane of Infidels Bane of the Unclean Barbed Stinger Batrider Battle Blessing Battle Caster Battle Casting Battle Dancer Battle Hardened Battle Jump Battle Mage Tactics Battlebred Battlecaster Defense Battlecaster Offense Battlefield Inspiration Battleshifter Training Bear Fang Beast Companion Beast Shape Beast Totem Beast Wild Shape Beasthide Beasthide Elite Beckon the Frozen Beloved of Demons Bend Spell Bestial Charge Bestial Hide Better Lucky than Good Bind Elemental Bind Vestige Bind Vestige, Improved Binding Brand Black Dragon Lineage Black Lore of Moil Blackwater Invocation Blade Meditation Blade of Force Bladebearer of the Valenar Bladebearer of the Valenar Bladebearer of Valenar Bladeproof skin Blazing Berserker Blend Into Shadows Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu Blessed of the Seven Sisters Blessed of Vulkoor Blessing of the Godless Blind-Fight Blinding Speed Blindsense Blindsight Blindsight, 5-foot Radius Blindsight, 5-ft. Radius Blistering Spell Block Arrow Blood Calls to Blood Blood of the Warlord Blood Sorcerer Blood War Conscript Blood-Spiked Charger Blooded Blooded Bloodline of fire Bloodline of fire Bloodsoaked Intimidate Blowhard Blue Dragon Lineage Boar's Ferocity Body Fuel Body Fuel Body Pouch Bolster Resistance Bonded Familiar Bonus Breath Bonus Domain Bonus Domain Bonus Essentia Bonus Soulmeld Boomerang Daze Boomerang Ricochet Boost Construct Boost Spell Resistance Boost Spell-Like Ability Born Duelist Born Flyer Born of the Three Thunders Borne Aloft Bounding Assault Bowslinger Braced for Charge Brachiation Brachiation Brand of the Nine Hells Brass Dragon Lineage Brawler Breadth of Knowledge Breath Control Breath of Siberys Breath of Unlife Breathing Link Breathing Link Brew Potion Bright Sigil Broken One's Sacrifice Bronze Dragon Lineage Brutal Strike Brutal Throw Brutal Throw Brute Fighting Bullheaded Bullheaded Bulwark of Defense Burrow friend Burrowing Power Business Savvy Calishite Elementalist: Air Calishite Elementalist: Fire Call of the Undying Cannith Forgecraft Captivating Melody Caravanner Carmendine Monk Catfolk Pounce Caustic Adaptation Cautious Cautious Attack Cavalry Charger Caver Celestial Bloodline Celestial Bloodline Celestial Familiar Celestial Heritage Celestial Light Celestial Mount Celestial Sorcerer Aura Celestial Sorcerer Heritage Celestial Sorcerer Lance Celestial Sorcerer Lore Celestial Sorcerer Wings Celestial Summoning Specialist Centaur Trample Ceremonial Empowerment Cerulean Fortitude Cerulean Reflexes Cerulean Will Chain Power Chain Spell Chain Spell Chakram Ricochet Chameleon Hide Channel Charge Channel Legacy Channeled Rage Chant of Fortitude Chant of the Long Road Chaos Devotion Chaotic Mind Chaotic Rage Chaotic Spell Recall Chariot Archery Chariot Charge Chariot Combat Chariot Sideswipe Chariot Trample Charlatan Charm Immunity Charm Resistance Charming Charnel Miasma Cheetah Tribe Sprint Cheetah's Speed Child of the Swamps Child of Winter Chink in the Armor Choke Hold Chondathan Missionary Chord of Distraction Chosen Foe Chosen of Evil Chosen of Iborighu Chosen of the Deathless Chosen Weapon Specialization Circle Kick Circle Magic Circle Master Circle Student City Magic City Slicker Clan Prestige Clap of Thunder Clarion Commander Clarity of Vision Claws of the Beast Cleave Clever Improviser Clever Opportunist Clever Wrestling Clever Wrestling Clever Wrestling Clever Wrestling Cliffwalk Cliffwalk Elite Cliffwalk Elite Climb like an Ape Clinging Breath Clinging Breath Cloak Dance Cloak of the Obyrith Close-Quarters Fighting Close-Quarters Fighting Close-Quarters Fighting Close-Quarters Fighting Closed Mind Cloudy Conjuration Clutch of Earth Cobalt Expertise Cobalt Power Cobalt Rage Cobolt Charge Cobolt Critical Cobolt Precision Cobra Head Coercive Spell Cold Endurance Cold Endurance Cold Focus Cold Iron Tracery Cold Spell Specialization Collector of Stories Collegiate Wizard Colossal Wild Shape Combat Acrobat Combat Archery Combat Archery Combat Awareness Combat Awareness Combat Brute Combat Casting Combat Charm Combat Cloak Expert Combat Defense Combat Expertise Combat Familiar Combat Focus Combat Insight Combat Intuition Combat Manifestation Combat Manifestation Combat Panache Combat Reflexes Combat Stability Combat Strike Combat Tactician Combat Tinkering Combat Vigor Cometary Collision Commanding Communicator Companion Spellbond Complementary Insight Conceal Spellcasting Concussion Attack Conductivity Confound the Big Folk Consecrate Spell Consecrate Spell Consecrate Spell Like Ability Consecrate Spell Trigger Consecrate Spell-Like Ability Constant Guardian Construct Grafter Construct Lock Contagious Paralysis Control Visage Controlled Immolation Controlled Respiration Cool Head Cool Head (CS) Cooperative Spell Cooperative Spell Coordinated Shot Coordinated Strike Copper Dragon Lineage Cormanthyran Moon Magic Corner Perch Cornered Rat Corpse Malevolence Corpsecrafter Corrupt Arcana Corrupt Arcane Studies Corrupt Spell Corrupt Spell Corrupt Spell Corrupt Spell Focus Corrupt Spell-Like Ability Corrupted Wild Shape Corrupting Touch Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan Cougar's Vision Courageous Rally Courteous Magocracy Cover Your Tracks Craft Aboleth Glyph Craft Alchemical item Craft Cognizance Crystal Craft Construct Craft Construct Craft Construct Craft Contingent Spell Craft Contingent Spell Craft Crystal Capacitor Craft Crystal Weapon Craft Dorje Craft Dorje Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor Craft Epic Rod Craft Epic Staff Craft Epic Wondrous Item Craft Magic Arms and Armor Craft Masterwork Armor Craft Masterwork Ranged Weapon Craft Masterwork Weapon Craft Psicrown Craft Psionic Arms and Armor Craft Psionic Arms and Armor Craft Psionic Construct Craft Psionic Seal Craft Rod Craft Rune Circle Craft Scepter Craft Skull Talisman Craft Staff Craft Talisman Craft Universal Item Craft Universal Item Craft Wand Craft Wondrous Item Craven Create Infusion Create Portal Crescent Moon Crossbow Sniper Crowd Tactics Crush Crushing Strike Cull Wand Essence Cumbrous Dodge Cumbrous Fortitude Cumbrous Reflexes Cumbrous Will Cunning Evasion Cunning Sidestep Curative Legacy Curling Wave Strike Cuthbert's Smite Cutpurse Dallah Thaun's Luck Damage Reduction Damage Reduction Dampen Spell Dancing Blade Dancing with Shadows Danger Sense Danger Sense Daredevil Athlete Darguun Mauler Daring Outlaw Daring Warrior Dark Speech Dark Speech Dark Speech Dark Whispers Darkstalker Dash Dash Dash Daunting Presence Daunting Presence Dauntless Daylight Adaptation Daylight Adaptation Daylight Adaptation Dazzling Energy Dazzling Fire Dazzling Illusion Dead Eye Deadeye Shot Deadly Chill Deadly Defense Deadly Poison Deadly Poison Deadly Precision Deadly Spittle Deafening Song Deafening Spell Deafening Strike Death Blow Death Blow Death Devotion Death Frenzy Death Master Death of Enemies Deathless Fleshgrafter Debilitating Spell Debilitating Strike Deceitful Deceptive Dodge Deceptive Illumination Deceptive Spell Deep Denizen Deep Impact Deep Impact Deep Vision Deep Vision Deepening Darkness Deepspawn Defender of the Homeland Defending Spirit Defense against the Supernatural Defensive Archery Defensive Shell Defensive Strike Defensive Strike Defensive Sweep Defensive Throw Defensive Throw Deflect Arrows Deflective Armor Deformity (Clawed Hands) Deformity (Eyes) Deformity (Eyes) Deformity (Face) Deformity (Face) Deformity (Gaunt) Deformity (Gaunt) Deformity (Madness) Deformity (Obese) Deformity (Parasite) Deformity (Skin) Deformity (Tall) Deformity (Teeth) Deformity (Tongue) Deft Hands Deft Opportunist Deft Opportunist Deft Strike Deft Strike Delay Potion Delay Power Delay Power Delay Spell Delay Spell Delay Spell Delay Spell Demon Mastery Demonic Conduit Demonic Skin Demonic Sneak Attack Demonsworn Knight Desert Dweller Desert Fire Desert Wind Dodge Despana School Destruction Devotion Destruction Retribution Destructive Rage Destructive Rage Detach Detached Detect Shadow Weave User Devastating Critical Devastating Critical Devil's Aura Devil's Favor Devil's Flesh Devil's Sight Devil's Stamina Devil's Tongue Devoted Bulwark Devoted Inquisitor Devoted Performer Devoted Tracker Dexterous Fortitude Dexterous Will Diehard Diehard Dilate Aura Diligent Dimensional Jaunt Dimensional Reach Diminutive Wild Shape Dinosaur Hunter Dinosaur Wrangler Dire Charge Dire Charge Dire Flail Mind Blade Dire Flail Smash Dire Stun Dirty Fighting Dirty Rat Disarm Mind Disciple of Darkness Disciple of Darkness Disciple of the Sun Discipline Discipline Discipline Disease Immunity Disemboweling Strike Disentangler Disguise Spell Disguise Spell Disguise Spell Dishonest Disintegration Finesse Disjunction Ray Dismount Attack Disrupting Spell Distant Horizon Distant Shot Distinctive Distracting Attack Disturbing Visage Dive For Cover Diverse Background Divine Accuracy Divine Alacrity Divine Armor Divine Censure Divine Cleansing Divine Cleansing Divine Conduit Divine Countermagic Divine Damage Reduction Divine Defiance Divine Denial Divine Energy Focus Divine Fervor Divine Fortune Divine Intercession Divine Justice Divine Justice Divine Metamagic Divine Might Divine Might Divine Might Divine Might Divine Resistance Divine Resistance Divine Shield Divine Shield Divine Soultouch Divine Spell Penetration Divine Spell Power Divine Spellshield Divine Spirit Divine Vengeance Divine Vengeance Divine Vengeance Divine Vigor Divine Vigor Divine Vigor Divine Ward Divine Warrior Diving Charge Dodge Domain Focus Domain Spontaneity Domain Spontaneity Don Mantle Doomspeak Dorje Mastery Dorje Mastery Double Chakra Double Draconic Aura Double Draconic Aura Double Hit Double Steel Strike Double Team Double Wand Wielder Draconian Breath Weapon Draconic Arcane Grace Draconic Archivist Draconic Armor Draconic Aura Draconic Bloodline Draconic Breath Draconic Breath Draconic Claw Draconic Claw Draconic Flight Draconic Flight Draconic Heritage Draconic Heritage Draconic Heritage Draconic Knowledge Draconic Knowledge Draconic Legacy Draconic Legacy Draconic Persuasion Draconic Power Draconic Power Draconic Presence Draconic Presence Draconic Resistance Draconic Resistance Draconic Senses Draconic Skin Draconic Skin Draconic Toughness Draconic Vigor Dragon Breath Dragon Cohort Dragon Familiar Dragon Hunter Dragon Hunter Bravery Dragon Hunter Defense Dragon Prophesier Dragon Rage Dragon Sight Dragon Steed Dragon Tail Dragon Totem Dragon Totem Focus Dragon Totem Lorekeeper Dragon Totem Scion Dragon Trainer Dragon Ward Dragon Wild Shape Dragon Wild Shape Dragon Wings Dragon's Insight Dragon's Toughness Dragonbane Dragoncrafter Dragondoom Dragonfire Assault Dragonfire Channeling Dragonfire Inspiration Dragonfire Strike Dragonfoe Dragonfriend Dragonmark Adept Dragonmark Battlestrike Dragonmark Fist Dragonmark Luck Dragonmark Mastery Dragonmark Prodigy Dragonmark Rage Dragonmark Smite Dragonmark Spellturning Dragonmark Visionary Dragonmarked Summoner Dragonsong Dragonthrall Dragonthrall Dragontouched Dragonwrought Draw From The Land Dread Tyranny Dreadful Wrath Dream of Contact Dream of Insight Dream of Instinct Dream of Perception Dream of Strength Dream of the Moment Dream Scion Dreamsight Elite Dreamtelling Drift Magic Driving Attack Dromite Barrier Dromite Ray Drow Eyes Drow Scorpion Warrior Drow Skirmisher Drow Skirmisher Drowning Glance Druuth Slayer Du'ulora Ancestor Dual Dorje Dual Strike Dual Strike Duergar Expansion Duergar Invisibility Duergar Mindshaper Duerran Metaform Training Duerran Stealth Training Dumb Luck Dungeoneer's Intuition Durable Form Dust Cloud Dutiful Guardian Dwarf's Toughness Dwarven Armor Proficiency Dwarven Urgrosh Mind Blade Eagle Claw Attack Eagle Claw Attack Eagle Claw Attack Eagle Tribe Vision Eagle's Fury Eagle's Wings Earth Adept Earth Bloodline Earth Devotion Earth Fist Earth Heritage Earth Master Earth Power Earth Sense Earth Spell Earth's Embrace Earth's Embrace Earth's Warding Earthbound Spell Earthquake Stomp Easy Escape Easygoing Ecclesiarch Echoing Spell Ectopic Form Ectoplasm Edgewalker Sentinel Education Education Education Education Efficient Defender Efficient Item Creation Eilservs School Einhander Elan Repletion Elan Resilience Elan Resistance, Enhanced Elan Retainment Eldeen Plantgrafter Elder Giant Magic Eldritch Corruption Eldritch Dragonbane Eldritch Erosion Eldritch Linguist Eldritch Mark Elemental Adept Elemental Bloodline Elemental Envoy Elemental Essence Elemental Grafter Elemental Healing Elemental Helmsman Elemental Smite Elemental Smiting Elemental Spellcasting [Air] Elemental Spellcasting [Earth] Elemental Spellcasting [Fire] Elemental Spellcasting [Water] Elemental Theurgy Elephant's Hide Elf Dilettante Elfhunter Elusive target Elven Spell Lore Embed Spell Focus Embody Energy Empower Legacy Empower Mystery Empower Power Empower Spell Empower Spell-Like Ability Empower Spell-Like Ability Empower Spell-Like Ability Empower Spell-Like Ability Empower Spell-Like Ability Empower Supernatural Ability Empower Turning Empower Turning Empower Turning Empower Turning Empower Turning Empower Utterance Empowered Ability Damage Empty Hand Mastery Enchanting Song Encode Stone Endurance Endure Blows Endure Sunlight Enduring Ki Enduring Life Enduring Life Enemy of Good Energize Armor Energize Armor Energize Spell Energy Abjuration Energy Admixture Energy Admixture Energy Affinity Energy Gestalt Energy Resistance: Acid Energy Resistance: Cold Energy Resistance: Electricity Energy Resistance: Fire Energy Resistance: Sonic Energy Substitution Energy Substitution Energy Substitution Energy Substitution Energy Substitution Enervate Spell Enervating Touch Enervation Endurance Enervative Healing Enhance Effect Enhance Item Enhance Spell Enhance Spell Enhanced Adhesive Enhanced Beneficence Enhanced Power Sigils Enlarge Breath Enlarge Mucus Cloud Enlarge Mystery Enlarge Power Enlarge Power Enlarge Spell Enlarge Supernatural Ability Enlarge Utterance Enspell Familiar Entangling Exhalation Entangling Spell Envoy Cognizance Epic Combat Expertise Epic Counterspell Epic Devotion Epic Devotion Epic Dodge Epic Dodge Epic Endurance Epic Essentia 1 Epic Essentia 2 Epic Essentia 3 Epic Essentia 4 Epic Essentia 5 Epic Expanded Knowledge Epic Fortitude Epic Fortitude Epic Improved Skirmish Epic Inspiration Epic Leadership Epic of the Lost King Epic Prowess Epic Prowess Epic Psionic Focus Epic Reflexes Epic Reflexes Epic Reputation Epic Reputation Epic Skill Focus Epic Skill Focus Epic Speed Epic Spell Focus Epic Spell Focus Epic Spell Penetration Epic Spell Penetration Epic Spellcasting (Arcana) Epic Spellcasting (Nature) Epic Spellcasting (Religion) Epic Spellfire Wielder Epic Sunder Epic Toughness Epic Toughness Epic Weapon Focus Epic Weapon Focus Epic Weapon Specialization Epic Will Epic Will Escape Attack Eschew Materials Eschew Materials Eschew Materials Eschew Materials Eschew Materials Eschew Materials Eschew Materials Etch Schema Eternal Strength Ethereal Sidestep Ethran Ethran Ettercap Berserker Euphoric Reduction Evasive Maneuvers Evasive Reflexes Evil Brand Evil Brand Evil Brand Evil Brand Evil Devotion Evil Embraced Eviscerator Evokers Mark Exalted Companion Exalted Smite Exalted Spell Resistance Exalted Turning Exalted Wild Shape Exceptional Artisan Exceptional Deflection Exhaled Barrier Exhaled Immunity Exotic Armor Proficiency Exotic Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Exotic Armor Proficiency (Light) Exotic Armor Proficiency (Medium) Exotic Armour Proficiency (Heavy) Exotic Armour Proficiency (Light) Exotic Armour Proficiency (Medium) Exotic Shield Proficiency Exotic Weapon Proficiency Expanded Aura of Courage Expanded Ki Pool Expanded Knowledge Expanded Possession Expanded Soulmeld Capacity Expeditious Dodge Expel Vestige Expert Siege Engineer Expert Swimmer Expert Tactician Expert Tactician Expert Tactician Expertise Explosive Spell Explosive Spell Extend Mystery Extend Power Extend Power Extend Rage Extend Rage Extend Spell Extend Spreading Breath Extend Supernatural Ability Extend Utterance Extended Life Span Extended Rage Extended Rage Extended Reach Extra Aura Extra Chakra Bind Extra Contacts Extra Domain Spell Extra Edge Extra Exhalation Extra favored Enemy Extra Favored Enemy Extra Followers Extra Granted Maneuver Extra Invocation Extra Item Space Extra Music Extra Music Extra Music Extra Music Extra Rage Extra Rage Extra Readied Maneuver Extra Rings Extra Shifter Trait Extra Shifter Trait Extra Shifter Trait Extra Silence Extra Slot Extra Slot Extra Slot Extra Smiting Extra Smiting (Smite Anything) Extra Smiting (Smite Good) Extra Smiting (Smite Mortals) Extra Spell Extra Spell Extra Spell Secret Extra Stunning Extra Stunning Attacks Extra Turning Extra Wild Shape Extra Wild Shape Extra Wild Shape Extra Wild Shape Extract Demonic Essence Extraordinary Artisan Extraordinary Concentration Extraordinary Spell Aim Extraordinary Trapsmith Extreme Leap Eye of Medani Eyes in the Back of Your Head Eyes in the Back of Your Head Eyes in the Back of Your Head Eyes of Light Eyes of the Abyss Eyes to the sky Face-Changer Fade Fade Into Darkness Fade into Violence Faith in the Frost Faith Unswerving Falling Star Strike Falling Sun Attack False Pretenses False Theurgy Familiar Concentration Familiar Spell Familiar Spell Familiar Spell Far Horizons Far Shot Farsighted Fascinating Illumination Fast Healing Fast Healing Fast Wild Shape Fast Wild Shape Fast Wild Shape Faster Healing Faster Healing Favored Favored Critical Favored in Guild Favored in Guild Favored in House Favored Magic Foe Favored Mystery Favored of the Companions Favored of the Zulkirs Favored Power Attack Favored Power Attack Favored Vestige Favored Vestige Focus Fearless Fearless Destiny Fearsome and Fearless Fearsome Necromancy Feeble Feign Weakness Fell Animate Fell Conspiracy Fell Drain Fell Energy Spell Fell Frighten Fell Shot Fell Shot Fell Weaken Feral Animal Companion Feral Mark Fey Bloodline Fey Heritage Fey Legacy Fey Power Fey Presence Fey Skin Fey's Fate Fiendish Bloodline Fiendish Bloodline Fiendish Heritage Fiendish Heritage Fiendish Legacy Fiendish Power Fiendish Presence Fiendish Resistance Fiendish Summoning Specialist Fiery Burst Fiery Fist Fiery Ki Defense Fiery Spell Filth Eater Filthy Outburst Final Strike Fine Wild Shape Fire Bloodline Fire Devotion Fire Heritage Fist of the Heavens Fists of Iron Fists of Iron Fists of Iron Flash Casting Flash Frost Spell Flay Flay Foe Fleet of Foot Fleet of Foot Fleet of Foot Fleet of Foot Flensing Strike Flick of the Wrist Flick of the Wrist Flick of the Wrist Fling Ally Fling Enemy Fling Enemy Flyby Attack Flyby Attack Flyby Attack Flyby Attack Flyby Attack Flyby Attack Flyby Attack Flyby Breath Flying Fish Leap Flying Kick Flying Kick Flying Tiger Focused Focused Antimagic Focused Lexicon Focused Mind Focused Perception Focused Shield Focused Shield Focused Skill User Focused Sunder Foe Hunter Foe Hunter Foe Hunter Foe Specialist Follower of the Scaly Way Font of Inspiration Font of Life Foot and Fist Mastery Forbidden Lore Force of Personality Force of Will Forceful Staff Style Forest Gnome Phantasist Forester Forester Forge Epic Ring Forge Ring Forgeheart Forked Tongue Formation Expert Fortify Spell Fortify Spell Fortuitous Strike Fragile Construct Frail Frantic Rage Freerunner Freezing The Lifeblood Freezing the Lifeblood Freezing Touch Friend of the Earth Friends of the Tribes Frightful Moan Frightful Presence Frightful Presence From Smite to Song Frostfell Prodigy Frozen Berserker Frozen Magic Frozen Wild Shape Full Manifestation Furious Charge Furious Inhalation Galifaran Scholar Gape of the Serpent Gape of the Serpent Gargantuan Wild Shape Gatekeeper initiate Gatekeepers Mark Generous Sacrifice Genie Lore Gestalt Anchor Gestalt Anchor Gestalt Might Ghost Attack Ghost Flight Ghost Glide Ghost Hand Ghost Healing Ghost Ride Ghost Scarred Ghost Smiting Ghost-Touch Spell Ghostly Grasp Giant Banemagic Giant's Toughness Giantbane Gift of Discernment Gift of Faith Gift of Grace Gift Of The Spider Queen Gift of Tongues Gift of Tongues Gifted General Githyanki Battlecaster Githyanki Charm Githyanki Control Githyanki Dismissal Githyanki Dragonrider Githyanki Ectoform Githzerai Burst Githzerai Feedback Githzerai Knock Githzerai Link Gloom Razor Gloom Strike Glorious Weapons Gnoll Ferocity Gnome Foe Killer Gnome Tunnel Acrobatics Goad Goad Goad Godsight Gold Dragon Lineage Gold Dwarf Dweomersmith Good Devotion Good Karma Gorebrute Elite Grace of Ghallanda Graft Flesh Graft Flesh Graft Flesh Graft Illithid Flesh Graft Yuan-Ti Flesh Grand Malevolence Grappling Block Grass Trekker Great and Small Great Bite Great Captain Great Charisma Great Cleave Great Constitution Great Crafter Great Dexterity Great Diplomat Great Flyby Attack Great Fortitude Great Intelligence Great Ki Shout Great Rend Great Smiting Great Smiting (Smite Evil) Great Smiting (Smite Good) Great Stag Berserker Great Stamina Great Strength Great Sunder Great Teamwork Great Throw Great Wisdom Greater Aberrant Dragonmark Greater Cold Focus Greater Corrupt Spell Focus Greater Dragonmark Greater Heavy Armor Optimization Greater Kiai Shout Greater Legacy Greater Legacy Greater Manyshot Greater Mighty Roar Greater Multigrab Greater Multigrab Greater Multiweapon Fighting Greater Multiweapon Fighting Greater Multiweapon Fighting Greater Path Focus Greater Power Penetration Greater Power Penetration Greater Power Specialization Greater Powerful charge Greater Powerful charge Greater Psionic Endowment Greater Psionic Fist Greater Psionic Focus Greater Psionic Shot Greater Psionic Weapon Greater Resiliency Greater Resiliency Greater Shifter Defense Greater Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus Greater Spell Penetration Greater Spell Penetration Greater Spell Penetration Greater Spell Penetration Greater Spell Penetration Greater Two-Weapon Defense Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Greater Weapon Focus Greater Weapon Specialization Greater Witchlight Green Bond Green Dragon Lineage Green Ear Green Ear Greenbound Summoning Greensinger Initiate Greensingers Mark Grell Alchemy Grenadier Grim Visage Grizzly's Claws Group Fake-Out Group Inspiration Group Inspiration Gruesome Finish Guardian Spirit Guerilla Scout Guerilla Warrior Guided Spell Guildmaster Haft Strike Half-Dragon Form Half-Giant Stomp Half-Giant Thunderer Halruuan Adept Hammer and Piton Hammer Fist Hammer Fist Hammer's Edge Hamstring Hamstring Hand Crossbow Focus Hand of Tyr Hands of a Healer Hard of Hearing Hardened Flesh Hardy Harem Trained Harvester of Souls Hashalaq Ancestor Hasty Spirit Haunting Appearance Haunting Melody Haunting Melody Haunting Voice Hawk's Vision Hazing Strike Head Shot Headlong Rush Heads Up Healer's Luck Healing Devotion Healing Factor Healing Factor Healing Flames Healing Hands Healing Soul Healing Strike Hear The Unseen Heart of Dragons Heart of Incarnum Heart of Siberys Heart of the Nabassu Heat Endurance Heat Tolerance Heavy Armor Optimization Heavy Lithoderms Heavyweight Wings Heighten Breath Heighten Power Heighten Spell Heighten Spell-like ability Heighten Turning Heighten Turning Heighten Turning Heighten Turning Hellbound knight Hellsworn Heretic of the Faith Heroic Channeling Heroic Companion Heroic Destiny Heroic Devotion Heroic Focus Heroic Metamagic Heroic Spirit Hibernate Hidden Blade Hidden Strength Hidden Talent Hide Power High Sword Low Axe Highborn Drow Highborn Drow Highborn Drow Hin Wandermage Hindering Opportunist Hindering Song Hold the Line Hold the Line Hold the Line Hold the Line Holy Ki Strike Holy Potency Holy Radiance Holy Strike Holy Strike Holy Subdual Holy Warrior Honest Honest Merchant Honor bound Horrific Appearance Horse Nomad Horse Nomad Host Focus Hostile Mind Hostile Mind, Improved Hover Hover Hover Hulking Brute Human Heritage Hunters Mark Hurling Charge Hurricane Breath Hyena Tribe Hunter Iaijutsu Master Ice Harmonics Ice Troll Berserker Icy Calling Ignore Material Components Ignore Special Requirements Illiterate Illithid Blast Illithid Bloodline Illithid Compulsion Illithid Enthusiast Illithid Extraction Illithid Grapple Illithid Heritage Illithid Legacy Illithid Legacy, Greater Illithid Skin Imbued Healing Imbued Summoning Impeding Attack Imperious Command Imprint Stone Improved Aid Improved Alignment-Based Casting (Chaos) Improved Alignment-Based Casting (Evil) Improved Alignment-Based Casting (Good) Improved Alignment-Based Casting (Law) Improved Arrow of Death Improved Assume Supernatural Ability Improved Aura of Courage Improved Aura of Despair Improved Binding Improved Buckler Defense Improved Bull Rush Improved Cohort Improved Cold Endurance Improved Combat Casting Improved Combat Casting Improved Combat Expertise Improved Combat Reflexes Improved Control Visage Improved Cooperative Metamagic Improved Counterspell Improved Counterspell Improved Counterspell Improved Critical Improved Damage Reduction Improved Darkvision Improved Death Attack Improved Deflection Improved Disarm Improved Diversion Improved Draconian Breath Weapon Improved Draconic Aura Improved Dragon Wings Improved Elemental Heritage [Air] Improved Elemental Heritage [Earth] Improved Elemental Heritage [Fire] Improved Elemental Heritage [Water] Improved Elemental Wild Shape Improved Elemental Wild Shape Improved Energy Drain Improved Energy Resistance Improved Essentia Capacity Improved Familiar Improved Familiar Improved Familiar Improved Familiar Improved Familiar Improved Familiar Improved Familiar Improved Favored Enemy Improved Favored Enemy Improved Favored Enemy Improved Feint Improved fiendish Servant Improved Flight Improved Flight Improved Flight Improved Flight Improved Flight Item Improved Flyby Attack Improved Flyby Attack Improved Fortification Improved Fortification Improved Frosty Touch Improved Ghost Flight Improved Grapple Improved Grapple Improved Grapple Improved Grapple Improved Heat Endurance Improved Heighten Spell Improved Homunculus Improved Initiative Improved Ki Strike Improved Ki Strike Improved Levitation Improved Levitation Improved Low Blow Improved Low-Light Vision Improved Maneuverability Improved Manifestation Improved Manifestation Improved Manyshot Improved Metamagic Improved Metamagic Improved Metapsionics Improved Mounted Archery Improved Multiattack Improved Multiattack Improved Multiattack Improved Multiweapon Fighting Improved Multiweapon Fighting Improved Multiweapon Fighting Improved Natural Armor Improved Natural Armor Improved Natural Armor Improved Natural Attack Improved Natural Attack Improved Natural Attack Improved Natural Attack Improved Natural Attack Improved Oneiromancy Improved Outer plane Heritage [Anarchic] Improved Outer plane Heritage [Axiomatic] Improved Outer plane Heritage [Celestial] Improved Outer plane Heritage [Fiendish] Improved Overrun Improved Overrun Improved paralysis Improved Poltergeist Hand Improved Precise Shot Improved Psicrystal Improved Psicrystal Improved Rapid Shot Improved Rapidstrike Improved Resiliency Improved Resist Dragonfear Improved Rock Hurling Improved Scent Improved Shield Bash Improved Shield Bash Improved Shieldmate Improved Sigil (Aesh) Improved Sigil (Hoon) Improved Sigil (Krau) Improved Sigil (Naen) Improved Sigil (Uur) Improved Sigil (Vaul) Improved Skirmish Improved Smiting Improved Snatch Improved Snatch Spell Improved Sneak Attack Improved Sneak Attack Improved Speed Improved Spell Capacity Improved Spell Capacity Improved Spell Capacity Improved Spell Resistance Improved Spellpool Access Improved Spit Improved Stunning Fist Improved Stunning Fist Improved Stunning Fist Improved Sudden Strike Improved Sunder Improved Sunder Improved Sunder Improved Sunder Improved Swimming Improved Swimming Improved Toughness Improved Toughness Improved Toughness Improved Toughness Improved Toughness Improved Trip Improved Turn Resistance Improved Turn Resistance Improved Turn Resistance Improved Turning Improved Two-Weapon Defense Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Unarmed Strike Improved Weapon Familiarity Improved Weapon Familiarity Improved Web Improved Whirlwind Attack Inatenttive Inattentive Incarnum Resistance Incarnum Spellshaping Incarnum-Fortified Body Incite Rage Incorporeal Form Incorporeal Spell Targeting Incorporeal Target Fighting Indigo Strike Indomitable Discipline Indomitable Soul Ineluctable Echo Inertial Armor Infernal Bargainer Infernal Sorcerer Eyes Infernal Sorcerer Heritage Infernal Sorcerer Howl Infernal Sorcerer Resistance Infinite Deflection Inhuman Reach Inhuman Vision Initiate of Aasterinian Initiate of Amaunator Initiate of Anhur Initiate of Arvoreen Initiate of Astilabor Initiate of Bahamut Initiate of Baravar Cloakshadow Initiate of Eilistraee Initiate of Falazure Initiate of Garyx Initiate of Ghaunadaur Initiate of Gruumsh Initiate of Hlal Initiate of Horus-Re Initiate of Ilmater Initiate of Io Initiate of Kossuth Initiate of Lendys Initiate of Loviatar Initiate of Loviatar Initiate of Milil Initiate of Nobanion Initiate of Shar Initiate of Shar Initiate of Tamara Initiate of Tchazzar Initiate of the Holy Realm Initiate of Tiamat Initiate of Torm Initiate of Tymora Initiate of Tyr Initiate of Varae Inlindl School Innate Spell Innate Spell Innate Spell Innate Spell Inner Strength Inquisitor Insane Defiance Inscribe Epic Runes Inscribe Rune Inscribe Rune Inside Connection Insidious Magic Insidious Magic Insidious Terror Insightful Insightful Divination Insightful Reflexes Inspirational Leadership Inspire Excellence Inspire Spellpower Instant Clarity Instant Reload Instantaneous Rage Instantaneous Rage Instinctive Consummator Instinctive Darkness Intensify Darkness Intensify Spell Intimidating Rage Intimidating Rage Intimidating Strike Intuitive Attack Inured to Energy Invest Armor Invest Armor Investigate Investigator Invisible Needle Invisible Spell Involuntary Rage Iron Mind Iron Will Ironheart Aura Ironskin Chant Ironwood Body Irresistible Gaze Irresistible Gaze Item Familiar Item Reprieve Jack of All Trades Jack of All Trades Jack of All Trades Jack of All Trades Jaws of Death Jergal's Pact Jester's Magic Jotunbrud Judged by Aurifar Jungle Stamina Jungle Veteran Kalashtar Mindlink Kalashtar Thoughtshifter Kami's Intuition Karmic Strike Karmic Strike Karmic Twin Keen Intellect Keen Intellect Keen Strike Keen-Eared Scout Keeper of Forbidden Lore Ki Blast Ki Shout Kiai Shout Kihu-Sherem Guardian Killoren Ancient Killoren Destroyer Killoren Hunter Kin Mastery Knifefighter Knight of Stars Knight Of The Lolth Knight of the Red Falcon Knight of the Risen Scepter Knight of Tyr's Holy Judgment Knight ot Tyr's Merciful Sword Knight Training Knock-down Knock-Down Knockback Knockdown Power Knowledge Devotion Kobold Endurance Kobold Foe Strike Kung Fu Genius Kuo-Toan Monasticism Landlord Landwalker Landwalker Large and in Charge Large and in Charge Lasting Inspiration Lasting Inspiration Lasting Life Lasting Life Law Devotion Law Inviolate Lawful Discipline Leadership Leap Attack Leap of the Heavens Leaping Climber Least Dragonmark Least Legacy Least Legacy Legacy Focus Legendary Acrobat Legendary Artisan Legendary Climber Legendary Climber Legendary Commander Legendary Leaper Legendary Leaper Legendary Rider Legendary Rider Legendary Tracker Legendary Tracker Legendary Wrestler Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark Lesser Dragonmark Lesser Legacy Lesser Legacy Lichloved Lichloved Life Drain Life Leech Lifebond Lifesense Light of Aurifar Light to Daylight Lightbringer Lightfeet Lightning Fists Lightning Mace Lightning Reflexes Line of Shadow Lingering Breath Lingering Breath Lingering Damage Lingering Song Lingering Song Lingering Spell Linked Power Lion Spy Lion Tribe Warrior Lion's Pounce Listen to This Live my Nightmare Lliira's Blessing Lolth's Blessing Lolth's Blessing Lolth's Boon Lolth's Caress Lolth's Meat Long Reach Long Strike Longstride Longstride Elite Longstride Elite Longtooth Longtooth Elite Lord of the Uttercold Low Blow Low Profile Lucid Channeling Luck Devotion Luck of Heroes Luck of Heroes Luck of Heroes Lucky Break Lucky Catch Lucky Fingers Lucky Start Lunar Magic Lunatic Insight Lunging Strike Lurk Augment, Extra Lurk Augment, Ranged Lurk Master Lurking Familiar Lycanthropic Spell Lyric Spell Mad Alchemist Mad Faith Mad Foam Rager Maenad Deafening Scream Maenad Fury Maenad Scream Mage Slayer Mage Slayer Mage Slayer Magic Device Attunement Magic Devotion Magic Disruption Magic In The Blood Magic in the Blood Magic of the Land Magic Sensitive Magical Appraisal Magical Aptitude Magical Artisan Magical Artisan Magical Artisan Magical Beast Wild Shape Magical Beast Wild Shape Magical Fortune Magical Training Magical Training Magistrate's Mind Maiming Strike Make Your Own Luck Malevolence Malign Spell Focus Malign Spell Focus Manifest Druid Manifest Flight Manifest Leap Manticore's Sting Mantis Leap Mantle Focus Many Masks Manyshot Manyshot Mark of Avernus Mark of Cania Mark of Deflection Mark of Destiny Mark of Dis Mark of Hleid Mark of Madness Mark of Maladomini Mark of Malbolge Mark of Minauros Mark of Nessus Mark of Phlegethos Mark of Purity Mark of Resilience Mark of Stars Mark of Stygia Mark of the Dauntless Mark of the Recovery Mark of the Triad Mark of the Wilderness Mark of Truth Mark of Twelve Moons Mark of Vengeance Mark of Vermin Mark of Xoriat Markings of the Blessed Markings of the Hunter Markings of the Magi Markings of the Maker Markings of the Warrior Martial Stalker Martial Stance Martial Study Martial Throw Martial Weapon Proficiency Mask of Gentility Master Dorje Master Legacy Master Linguist Master Manipulator Master of Knowledge Master Of Poisons Master Of Shadow Master of Undeath Master of Wards Master Spellthief Master Staff Master Staff Master Wand Master Wand Mastery of Chaos and Order Mastery of Day and Night Mastery of Dreams Mastery of Faerie Enchantment Mastery of Ice and Fire Mastery of Madness Mastery of the Azure Sky Mastery of the Battleground Mastery of the Dead Mastery of the Mists Mastery of the Silver Void Mastery of Twilight Denizens Mastery of Twisted Shadow Maximize Breath Maximize Mystery Maximize Power Maximize Power Maximize Spell Maximize Spell-like Ability Meagre Fortitude Meditation of War Mastery Melee Evasion Melee Weapon Mastery Melodic Casting Memory Eater Menacing Demeanor Mental Adversary Mental Juggernaut Mental Leap Mental Leap Mental Resistance Mentor Mercantile Background Mercantile Background Merciful Strike Mercurial Strike Metacreative Metallurgy Metamagic School Focus Metamagic Song Metamagic Spell Trigger Metamagic Vigor Metamorphic Transfer Metanode Spell Metanode Spell Metapower Metaray Midnight Augmentation Midnight Dodge Midnight Metamagic Might Makes Right Mighty are Fallen Mighty Dragonmark Mighty Leaping Mighty Rage Mighty Roar Mighty Works Mastery I Mighty Works Mastery II Militia Militia Militia Mind Cleave Mind Drain Mind Empowerment Mind Mask Mind over Body Mind over Body Mind over Body Mind Strike Mind Strike, Swift Mind Trap Mind Weapon Mind-Shattering Strike Mindsight Minor Malevolence Minor Shapeshift Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind Miser's Fortune Misleading Song Mithral Body Mithral Body Mithral Body Mithral Fluidity Mithral Fluidity Mitigate Suffering Mobile Defense Mobile Spell-Casting Mobility Momentary Alteration Monastic Training Monk's Spade Mind Blade Monkey Grip Monkey Grip Moradin's Smile Mortalbane Mortifying Attack Mosquito's Bite Mother Cyst Mountain Stance Mountain Warrior Mountaineer Mounted Archery Mounted Casting Mounted Combat Mounted Mobility Mror Stalwart Multiattack Multiattack Multiattack Multiattack Multiattack Multiattack Multiattack Multicultural Multidexterity Multidexterity Multidexterity Multidexterity Multigrab Multigrab Multilingual Multisnatch Multispell Multitasking Multitasking Multivoice Multiweapon Fighting Multiweapon Fighting Multiweapon Fighting Multiweapon Rend Murderous Intent Murky Eyed Musclebound Music of Growth Music of Making Music of the Gods Music of the Outer Spheres Mutable Body Mutilator Mysterious Magic Mystic Backlash Narrow Mind Narrowed Gaze Narrowed Gaze Natural Bond Natural Bully Natural Heavyweight Natural Leader Natural Scavenger Natural Spell Natural Spell Natural Spell Natural Trickster Naturalized Denizen Nauseating Touch Nearsighted Necrocarnum Acolyte Necromantic Bloodline Necromantic Might Necromantic Presence Necropolis Born Necropotent Necrotic Reserve Negative Energy Burst Negative Energy Burst Negotiator Nemesis Neraph Charge Neraph Throw Net and Trident Netherese Battle Curse Never Outnumbered Night Haunt Night Sighted Nightborn Dragonmark Nightbringer Initiate Nimble Bones Nimble Charge Nimble Fingers Nimble Stand Nimbus of Light Nobody's Fool Nocturnal Caster Node Defense Node Defense Node Sensitive Node Sensitive Node Spellcasting Node Spellcasting Node Store Node Store Nomadic Trekker Noncombatant Nonlethal Substitution Nonlethal Substitution Nonverbal Spell Nymph's Kiss Oaken Resilience Obscure Lore Obscure Lore Obscure Personal Truename Obtain Familiar Ocular Spell Off-Hand Parry Off-Hand Parry Old Salt Omniscient Whispers Oneiromancy Oni's Bane Open Greater Chakra (Throat) Open Greater Chakra (Waist) Open heart Chakra Open Least Chakra (Crown) Open Least Chakra (Feet) Open Least Chakra (Hands) Open Lesser Chakra (Arms) Open Lesser Chakra (Brow) Open Lesser Chakra (Shoulders) Open Minded Open Minded Open Soul Chakra Opening Tap Opportunity Power Oral History Orc Double Axe Mind Blade Ordered Chaos Orien Battle Stride Otherworldly Otherworldly Countenance Outsider Wings (Celestial) Outsider Wings (Fiendish) Overchannel Overcome Shadow Weave Overcome Weakness Overhead Thrust Overload Metabolism Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting Overwhelming Assault Overwhelming Critical Overwhelming Critical Overwhelming Critical Owlbear Berserker Pacifist Pack Feint Pack Tactics Pain Mastery Pain Touch Pain Touch Pain Touch Paladin of the Noble Heart Paraelemental Power Paralyzing Fists Paralyzing Fists Parrying Shield Passionate Path Focus Path of Shadows Pathetic Peak Hopper Pebble Underfoot Penetrate Damage Reduction Penetrating Shot Penumbra Bloodline Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body Perfect Health Perfect Multiweapon Fighting Perfect Reflection Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting Permanent Emanation Pernicious Magic Pernicious Magic Persistent Attacker Persistent Power Persistent Refusal Persistent Spell Persistent Spell Persistent Spell Persistent Spell Persistent Spell Persona Immersion Personal Touchstone Personal Truename Backlash Persuasive Persuasive Pervasive Gaze Pervasive Gaze Petrification Immunity Petrification Resistance Phalanx Fighting Phalanx Fighting Pharaoh's Fist Photosynthetic Skin Phrenic Leech Pierce Magical Concealment Pierce Magical Protection Pierce the Darkness Piercing Cold Piercing Evocation Piercing Gaze Piercing Gaze Piercing Sight Pike Hedge Pin Shield Pin Shield Pious Defense Pious Defiance Pious Soul Pious Spellsurge Plague Resistant Planar Familiar Planar Touchstone Planar Turning Planar Turning Planetouched Animal Affinity Plant Bloodline Plant Control Plant Control Plant Defiance Plant Defiance Plant Devotion Plant Wild Shape Plucky Plunging Shot Plunging Shot Point Blank Shot Point it Out Poison Expert Poison Healer Poison Immunity Poison Immunity Poison Immunity Poison Immunity Poison Master Poison Resistance Poison Resistance Poison Spell Poison Talons Polar Chill Pole Balance Pole Fighter Pole Master Polite Poltergeist Hand Poltergeist Rage Polyglot Polyglot Poor Reflexes Portal Master Portal Sensitive Positive Energy Aura Positive Energy Aura Positive Energy Resistance Postpone Enervation Power Attack Power Attack--Iajutsu Power Attack--Shadowlands Power Climb Power Critical Power Critical Power Critical Power Dive Power Dive Power in the Blood Power Knowledge Power Lunge Power Lunge Power Lunge Power Penetration Power Penetration Power Specialization Power Throw Power Touch Powerful Bite Powerful Charge Powerful Charge Powerful Charge Powerful Charge Powerful Charge Powerful Voice Powerful Wild shape Practical Metamagic Practiced Binder Practiced Cohort Practiced Manifester Practiced Spellcaster Practiced Spellcaster Precise Shot Precise Strike Precise Swing Precocious Apprentice Precognitive Visions Prehensile Tail Prehensile Tail Priest of the Waste Primary Contact Primeval Wild Shape Primitive Caster Primitive Caster Primordial Scion Privileged Energy Profane Agony Profane Aura Profane Boost Profane Lifeleech Profane Outburst Profane Vigor Prone Attack Prone Attack Prone Attack Prophecy's Artifex Prophecy's Explorer Prophecy's Hero Prophecy's Mind Prophecy's Shaper Prophecy's Shepherd Prophecy's Slayer Prophet of the Divine Proportionate Wild Shape Protected Destiny Protection Devotion Protective Mark Protective Ward Proteus Psicrystal Affinity Psicrystal Containment Psicrystal Power Psiforged Body Psionic Affinity Psionic Body Psionic Body Psionic Charge Psionic Charge Psionic Dodge Psionic Dodge Psionic Endowment Psionic Fist Psionic Fist Psionic Hole Psionic Luck Psionic Mastery Psionic Meditation Psionic Metabolism Psionic Shot Psionic Shot Psionic Talent Psionic Weapon Psionic Weapon Psithief Psycarnum Blade Psycarnum Crystal Psycarnum Infusion Psychic Bastion Psychic Luck Psychic Refusal Psychic Renewal Psychic Rush Psychic Warfare Psychoanalyst Psymbiot Puff Torso Pulverize Foe Puppet Master Pure Soul Purify Spell Purify Spell Trigger Purify Spell-like Ability Pursue Pushback Pyro Quell the Profane Quick Quick Change Quick Change Quick Draw Quick Escape Quick Reconnoiter Quick Reconnoiter Quick Recovery Quick Staff Quick Swimmer Quicken Breath Quicken Dragonmark Quicken Dragonmark Quicken Legacy Quicken Manifestation Quicken Mystery Quicken power Quicken power Quicken Spell Quicken Spell-Like Ability Quicken Spell-Like Ability Quicken Spell-Like Ability Quicken Spell-Like Ability Quicken Spell-Like Ability Quicken Spell-Like Ability Quicken Spell-Like Ability Quicken Turning Quicken Turning Quicken Turning Quicken Turning Quicken Turning Quicken Utterance Quicker than the Eye Quickslime Quill of Sivis Quori Dread Racial Emulation Radiant Fire Radiant Flicker Ragewild Fighting Raging Luck Rampaging Bull Rush Ranged Disarm Ranged Inspiration Ranged Pin Ranged Recall Ranged Smite Evil Ranged Spell Specialization Ranged Sunder Ranged Weapon Mastery Rapid Assault Rapid Blitz Rapid Breath Rapid Infusion Rapid Inspiration Rapid Meldshaping Rapid metabolism Rapid metabolism Rapid Metamagic Rapid Pact Making Rapid Recovery Rapid Regeneration Rapid Reload Rapid Reload Rapid Reload Rapid Shot Rapid Spell Rapid Stunning Rapid Swimming Rapid Swimming Rapidstrike Raptor School Rashemi Elemental Summoning Rattlesnake Strike Razing Strike Razorclaw Razorclaw Elite Reach Bite Reach Mystery Reach Spell Reach Spell Reach Spell Reach Spell Reactive Countersong Reactive Counterspell Reactive Counterspell Reactive Resistance Reactive Shifting Ready Shot Reaping Spell Reaping Talons Rebind Chakra Recitation of Mindful State Recitation of the Fortified State Recitation of the Meditative State Recitation of the Sanguine State Recitation of Vital State Reckless Reckless Charge Reckless Offense Reckless Offensive Reckless Offensive Reckless Rage Reckless Wand Wielder Recognize Imposter Recover Breath Red Dragon Lineage Reflect Arrows Reflexive Psychosis Reinforced Wings Relentless Relic Hunter Remain Conscious Remain Conscious Remain Conscious Rend Rend Ghost Rending Claws Rending Constriction Rending Constriction Renown Repeat Spell Repeat Spell Repeat Spell Repel Aberration Repel Outsiders Requiem Requiem Research Reserves of Strength Residual Magic Residual Rebound Resist Death Resist Disease Resist Disease Resist Dragonfear Resist Ghost Resist Poison Resist Poison Resist Poison Resist Poison Resist Taint Resistance to Energy: Acid Resistance to Energy: Cold Resistance to Energy: Electricity Resistance to Energy: Fire Resistance to Energy: Sonic Resounding Blow Resourceful Buyer Retributive Spell Retrieve Spell Return Shot Return Shot Reverberation Rhinoceros Tribe Charge Ride-By Attack Right of Counsel Righteous Strike Righteous Wrath Ring the Golden Bell Riposte Ritual Blessing Ritual Blood Bonds Ritual of Arcane Opposition Ritual of Blight's Embrace Ritual of the Timeless Soul Ritual of the Woodland Bond Robilar's Gambit Rock Gnome Trickster Rock Hurling Roll With It Roof-Jumper Roofwalker Roofwalker Roots of the Mountain Roundabout Kick Roundabout Kick Ruinous Rage Rulership Run Runesmith Sacred Boost Sacred Healing Sacred Healing Sacred Purification Sacred Radiance Sacred Resilience Sacred Spell Sacred Spell Sacred Spell Sacred Strike Sacred Tattoo Sacred Vengeance Sacred Vengeance Sacred Vitality Sacred Vow Sacrificial Mastery Saddleback Saddleback Saddleback Saddleback Saddleborn Sadistic Reward Sahuagin Flip Sailor's Balance Sanctify Ki Strike Sanctify Martial Strike Sanctify Natural Attack Sanctify Relic Sanctify Relic Sanctify Water Sanctify Weapon Sanctum Spell Sanctum Spell Sand Camouflage Sand Dancer Sand Snare Sand Spinner Sandskimmer Sapphire Fist Sapphire Smite Sapphire Sprint Savage Grapple Savvy Rogue Scalding Faith of the Sun Scathing Wit Scavenging Gullet Scent Scent Scholar of Nature Scion of Sorrow Scorching Sirocco Scorpion's Grasp Scorpion's Instincts Scorpion's resolve Scorpion's Sense Scourge of the Seas Scramble Scribe Epic Scroll Scribe Martial Script Scribe Scroll Scribe Tattoo Scribe Tattoo Sculpt Ghost Body Sculpt Spell Sculpt Spell Sea Legs Sea Legs Sea Legs Searing Spell Second Impression Second Slam Second Wind Seer Selective Spell Self-Concealment Self-Sufficient Sense Quintessence Sense Weakness Sentinel Stance Serenity Serpent Bloodline Serpent Fang Serpent Strike Serpent's Venom Servant of a Dragon Ascendant Servant of the Fallen Servant of the Heavens Shadow Shadow Shadow Blade Shadow Cast Shadow Familiar Shadow Heritage Shadow Marches Warmonger Shadow Reflection Shadow Shield Shadow Song Shadow Striker Shadow Trickster Shadow Veil Shadow Vision Shadow Weave Magic Shadow Weave Magic Shadowborn Warrior Shadowform Familiar Shadowstrike Shaky Shape Breath Shape Ectoplasm Shape Soulmeld Shaped Splash Shards of Granite Share Soulmeld Shared Fury Sharp-Shooting Sharp-Shooting Sharp-Shooting Shattering Strike Sherem-Lar Sorcery Sherezem-Lar Sorcery Shield Charge Shield Charge Shield Dwarf Warder Shield Expert Shield Maiden's Grace Shield of Blades Shield of Deneith Shield of Siberys Shield of Thought Shield Proficiency Shield Slam Shield Sling Shield Specialization Shield Wall Shield Ward Shielded Axe Shielded Casting Shielded Manifesting Shieldmate Shifter Acrobatics Shifter Agility Shifter Defense Shifter Defense Shifter Ferocity Shifter Ferocity Shifter Instincts Shifter Instincts Shifter Magnetism Shifter Multiattack Shifter Savagery Shifter Stamina Shifter Stealth Ship Savvy Ship's Mage Shi`Quos School Shock Trooper Shock Wave Shocking Fist Short Haft Shorten Grip Shot on the Run Shriveling Touch Shrouded Dance Sickening Grasp Sickening Strike Sidestep Sidestep Charge Signature Spell Signature Spell Silencing Strike Silent Spell Silver Blood Silver Dragon Lineage Silver Fang Silver Palm Silver Palm Silver Smite Silver Tongue Silver Tracery Simple Weapon Proficiency Single Blade Style Skewer Foe Skill Focus Skill Knowledge Skilled Pact Making Skilled Telekinetic Skin of the Construct Skinny Skyrider Slashing Flurry Slave to Evil Slayer of Dragons Slippery Slippery Skin Slipping Past Slow (flaw) Slow (trait) Sly Fortune Smatterings Smite Fiery Foe Smiting Power Smiting Spell Smooth Talk Smooth Talk Smooth Talk Snake Blood Snake Blood Snap Kick Snatch Snatch Snatch Snatch Snatch and Swallow Snatch Arrows Snatch Arrows Snatch Trophy Snatch Weapon Sneak Attack of Opportunity Snow Tiger Berserker Snowcasting Snowflake Wardance Snowrunner Sociable Personality Social Recovery Solid Visage Somatic Weaponry Song of the Dead Song of the Heart Song of the White Raven Soothe the Beast Soul of Honor Soul of Loyalty Soul of Sincerity Soul of the North Soulblade Warrior Soulsight Soultouched Spellcasting Soultouched Spellshaping Sound of Silence Southern Magician Speaking Wild Shape Spear of Doom Special Dispensation Specialized Spectacular Death Throes Spectral Skirmisher Spectral Strike Spectral Strike Speed of Thought Speed of Thought Speedy Ascent Spell Drain Spell Focus Spell Focus (Chaos) Spell Focus (Evil) Spell Focus (Good) Spell Focus (Good) Spell Focus (Law) Spell Girding Spell Hand Spell Knowledge Spell Knowledge Spell Mastery Spell Opportunity Spell Penetration Spell Power Spell Rehearsal Spell Reprieve Spell Specialization: Energy Missile Spell Specialization: Ray Spell Stowaway Spell Thematics Spell Thematics Spell-Like Ability Focus Spell-Linked Familiar Spellcaster Support Spellcasting Harrier Spellcasting Harrier Spellcasting Prodigy Spellcasting Prodigy Spellcasting Prodigy Spellfire Wielder Spellgifted Spellrazor Spellwise Spider Bite Spider Companion Spiderfriend Magic Spiked Body Spinning Defense Spinning Halberd Spire Walking Spirit of the Stallion Spirit Sense Spirited Charge Spiritual Counter Spiritual Force Spiritual Force Spit Poison Spit Venom Split Breath Split Chakra Split Psionic Ray Split Ray Split Ray Spontaneous Casting Spontaneous Domain Access Spontaneous Domains Spontaneous Healer Spontaneous Spell Spontaneous Summoner Spontaneous Wounder Spot the Weak Point Spreading Breath Spring Attack Spurn Death's Touch Stable Footing Staggering Blow Staggering Critical Staggering Strike Staggering Strike Stalwart Defense Stalwart Planar Ally Stamp Stand Still Stand Still Starspawn Steadfast Determination Steady Concentration Steady Mountaineer Steal And Strike Stealthy Stealthy Steam Magic Stench of the Dead Stigmata Still Mystery Still Spell Stitched Flesh Familiar Stone Breaker Stone Colossus Stone Form Stone Power Stone Rage Stone Slide Stone Soul Stoneback Stoneblood Stoneshaper Stonewalker Fist Storm Bolt Storm Magic Storm Magic Storm of Throws Stormguard Warrior Stormheart Stormrider Storms Riposte Stout Strafing Breath Street Smart Street Smart Strength Devotion Strength of Conviction Strength of the Charger Strength of the Crab Strength of Two Strength of Two Strong Mind Strong Mind Strong Soul Strong Soul Strong Soul Strong Stomach Stunning Fist Stunning Master Stygian Archon Stygian Power Subdual Substitution Subdual Substitution Subduing Strike Subsonics Subsonics Subtle Sigil Sudden Ability Focus Sudden Draw Sudden Empower Sudden Empower Sudden Energy Affinity Sudden Enlarge Sudden Extend Sudden Extend Sudden Maximize Sudden Maximize Sudden Quicken Sudden Quicken Sudden Recovery Sudden Silent Sudden Silent Sudden Still Sudden Still Sudden Widen Sudden Widen Sudden Willow Strike Sugliin Mastery Summon Earth Elemental Summon Elemental Sun Devotion Sun School Sun Soul Monk Sunder Sunken Song Sunlight Eyes Superior Expertise Superior Expertise Superior Expertise Superior Initiative Superior Unarmed Strike Supernatural Blow Supernatural Crusader Supernatural Instincts Supernatural Opportunist Supernatural Transformation Suppress Weakness Sure Hand Surefooted Surge of Malevolence Surprising Riposte Surrogate Spellcasting Survivor Survivor Survivor Survivor's Luck Suspicious Svirfneblin Figment Master Swamp Stalker Swarm of Arrows Swarm's Embrace Swarmfighting Swarmfighting Sweet Talker Swift Ambusher Swift and Silent Swift Call Swift Concentration Swift Hunter Swift Tumbler Swift Wild Shape Swiftness of Orien Swiftwing Elite Swim like a Fish Swim-By Attack Sword of the Arcane Order Symbiont Mastery Synad Multitask, Enhanced Tactile Trapsmith Tail Constrict Tail Rattle Tail Sweep Knockdown Tainted Fury Talenta Dinosaur Bond Talenta Drifter Talenta Warrior Talented Talented Talented Crafter Talfirian Song Tall Mouther Hunter Tap Mantle Tashalatora Tattoo Focus Tattoo Focus Tattoo Focus Tattoo Magic Tattoo Magic Telepathic Affinity Telling Blow Temper Ectoplasm Tempest Breath Tempting Fate Tenacious Magic Tenacious Magic Tenacious Magic Terrifying Rage Terrifying Rage Terrifying Strike The Gentle Way Mastery Theocrat Thick-Skinned Thicken Mucus Third Time's the Charm Thrall Bred Thrall to Demon Thrall to Demon Thrall to Demon Thrall to Demon Three Mountains Thri-Kreen Carapace Thri-Kreen Claw Thri-Kreen Displacement Thri-Kreen Poison Throat Punch Throw Anything Throw Anything Thug Thug Thunder Twin Thunder Twin Thunderclap Thundering Rage Tiger Blooded Timely Misdirection Tireless Titan Fighting Tomb-Born Fortitude Tomb-Born Resilience Tomb-Born Vitality Tomb-Tainted Soul Toothed Blow Tormented Knight Tormtor School Torpoid Totem Companion Touch Attack Specialization Touch of Benevolence Touch of Captivation Touch of Deception Touch of Distraction Touch of Golden Ice Touch of Hate Touch of Healing Touch of Silver Touch of Summoning Touch of Taint Touch Spell Specialization Touchstone Toughening Transmutation Toughness Tower Shield Proficiency Toxic Mucus Track Trample Transdimensional Breath Transdimensional Power Transdimensional Spell Transdimensional Spell Transdimensional Spell Transfer Legacy Trap Engineer Trap Sense Trap Sensitivity Trap Warden Trapmaster Travel Devotion Treefriend Treetopper Treetopper Tremendous Charge Trickery Devotion Trigger Power Trivial Knowledge Trophy Collector True Believer True Believer Truebond Truedive Elite Truename Rebuttal Truename Research Truename Training Trustworthy Tumbling Crawl Tumbling Feint Tunnel Fighting Tunnel Fighting Tunnel Riding Tunnelfighter Tunnelrunner Turtle Dart Twin Power Twin Power Twin Spell Twin Spell Twin Spell Twin Spell Twin Sword Style Twin Sword Style Twin Sword Style Twist the Knife Twisted Charge Two-Bladed Mind Blade Two-Weapon Defense Two-Weapon Fighting Two-Weapon Pounce Two-Weapon Rend Two-Weapon Rend Umbral Mark Umbral Shroud Umbral Spell Unarmored Body Unavoidable Strike Unavoidable Strike Unbalancing Strike Unbelievable Luck Uncanny Accuracy Uncanny Forethought Uncanny Scent Uncivilized Unconditional Power Undead Empathy Undead Leadership Undead Mastery Undead Mastery Undead Meldshaper Underfoot Combat Undermountain Tactics Undo Resistance Undying Fate Unholy Strike Unholy Strike Unlock Dragonmark Unnatural Enemy Unnatural Will Unnerving Calm Unorthodox Flurry Unquenchable Flame of Life Unquenchable Flame of Life Unreactive Unseen Arrow Unsettling Enchantment Unspeakable Vow Unyielding Bond of Soul Up the Hill Up the Walls Up the Walls Urban Stealth Urban Tracking Urban Tracking Urban Tracking Urban Tracking Utterance Focus Utterance of the Crafted Tool Utterance of the Evolving Mind Utterance of the Perfected Map Vae School Valenar Trample Vampire Hunter Vatic Gaze Vault Veil of Cyric Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Surge Venom's Gift Venomous Strike Vermin Companion Vermin Shape Vermin Trainer Vermin Wild Shape Verminfriend Verminfriend Versatile Combatant Versatile Performer Versatile Spellcaster Versatile Unarmed Strike Versatile Unarmed Strike Vestigial Wings Veteran Knowledge Vexing Flanker Via Negativa Vicious Wound Victor's Luck Vile Ki Strike Vile Ki Strike Vile Martial Strike Vile Martial Strike Vile Natural Attack Vile Natural Attack Violate Spell Violate Spell-Like Ability Virulent Poison Vital Recovery Volatile Escalation Volatile Leech Vorpal Strike Vow of Abstinence Vow of Chastity Vow of Decadance Vow of Nonviolence Vow of Obedience Vow of Peace Vow of Poverty Vow of Purity Vow Of The Spider Queen Vow of Vengeance Vremyonni Training Vulnerable Walk the Walls Wall Jumper Wand Mastery Wand Surge Wanderer's Diplomacy Wandstrike War Devotion Ward of Khyber Warden initiate Warning Shout Warped Mind Warrior Instinct Warrior Shugenja Water Adaptation Water Adaptation Water Bloodline Water Devotion Water Heritage Water Splitting Stone Waterspawn Weak Will Weakening Touch Weapon and Torch Weapon Finesse Weapon Focus Weapon Group (Axes) Weapon Group (Basic weapons) Weapon Group (Bows) Weapon Group (Claw Weapons) Weapon Group (Crossbows) Weapon Group (Double Weapons) Weapon Group (Druid Weapons) Weapon Group (Exotic Double Weapons) Weapon Group (Exotic Weapons) Weapon Group (Flails and Chains) Weapon Group (Heavy Blades) Weapon Group (Light Blades) Weapon Group (Maces and Clubs) Weapon Group (Monk Weapons) Weapon Group (Picks and Hammers) Weapon Group (Polearms) Weapon Group (Slings and Thrown Weapon Weapon Group (Spears and Lances) Weapon Specialization Weapon Supremacy Whip Climber Whirling Steel Strike Whirlwind Attack Whirlwind Tail Sweep Whispered Secrets White Dragon Lineage White Raven Defense White Scorpion Strike Widen Aura of Courage Widen Aura of Despair Widen Power Widen Spell Widen Spell Widen Spell Widen Spell Widen Supernatural Ability Wield Oversized Weapon Wild Talent Wild Talent Wildhunt Wildhunt Elite Willing Deformity Willing Deformity Wind and Fire Wind-Guided Arrows Windsinger Wing Expert Winged Warrior Wingover Wingover Wingover Wingover Wingstorm Wingstorm Winter's Blast Winter's Champion Winter's Child Winter's Mount Winters Mark Wisdom Breeds Caution Wise to Your Ways Witchlight Wolf Berserker Wolfpack Wolverine's Rage Woodland Archer Woodwise Woodwise Words of Creation Words of Draconic Power Worldly Focus Wounding attack Wounding Spell Wrest Possession Wyrmgrafter Xaniqos School Xeph Burst, Extra Xeph Celerity Yondalla's Sense Zen Archery Zen Archery Zone of Animation Zone of Animation [Creature Type] Trainer Requirement: ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 48 49 50 next ›› Class name Prestige Rulebook Apostle of Peace BE Arachne FP Arachnomancer DrU Arachnomancer Und Arboreal Guardian Gh Arcane Archer DMG Arcane Devotee FRCS Arcane Devotee PG Arcane Hierophant RW Arcane Trickster DMG Arcane Trickster TB Arcanopath Monk DC Archivist HH Archmage DMG Archmage FRCS Ardent CP Ardent Dilettante PlH Argent Fist FE Argent Savant CAr Aristocrat DMG ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 48 49 50 next ››