Feat Category – General
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Prone Attack | You attack from a prone position without penalty. | Oriental Adventures |
Prophecy's Artifex | Your perception of the draconic Prophecy gives you insights into ... | Magic of Eberron |
Prophecy's Explorer | Your perception of the draconic Prophecy imbues you with a ... | Magic of Eberron |
Prophecy's Hero | Your perception of the draconic Prophecy charges you with the ... | Magic of Eberron |
Prophecy's Shaper | Your perception of the draconic Prophecy is such that you ... | Magic of Eberron |
Prophecy's Shepherd | Your perception of the draconic Prophecy is such that you ... | Magic of Eberron |
Prophecy's Slayer | Your perception of the draconic Prophecy includes a keen appreciation ... | Magic of Eberron |
Prophet of the Divine | Your communications with the divine manifest in a public fashion. | Power of Faerun |
Protected Destiny | Your heroic destiny is guarded against the whims of misfortune. | Races of Destiny |
Protective Mark | Your dragonmark makes you more resilient against certain weapon attacks. | Dragonmarked |
Proteus | You are a master of masking your features behind a ... | Exemplars of Evil |
Psionic Affinity | You have a knack for psionic endeavors. | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Psionic Hole | You are anathema to psionic creatures and characters. | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Psionic Mastery | You are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat ... | Complete Psionic |
Psithief | You can drain psychic energy and use it against others. | Complete Scoundrel |
Psychic Refusal | Spells that target your mind have difficulty penetrating your defenses. | Drow of the Underdark |
Pulverize Foe | You enjoy smashing your opponents into submission. | Champions of Ruin |
Puppet Master | It is more difficult to notice manipulation of the targets ... | Dragon Compendium |
Pure Soul | Your faith or purity of mind overrides the evils within ... | Heroes of Horror |
Purify Spell-like Ability | You can charge your damaging spell-like abilities with celestial energy ... | Book of Exalted Deeds |