Feat Category – General
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Powerful Charge | You can charge with extra force. | Eberron Campaign Setting |
Powerful Charge | A creature with this feat can charge with extra force. | Monster Manual IV |
Powerful Charge | You can charge with extra force. | Miniatures Handbook |
Powerful Charge | A creature with this feat can charge with extra force. | Monster Manual III |
Powerful Charge | A creature with this feat can charge with extra force. | Monster Manual V |
Practical Metamagic | You can apply a selected metamagic feat to your spells ... | Races of the Dragon |
Practiced Binder | When you bind a vestige, you gain an additional power ... | Tome of Magic |
Practiced Spellcaster | Choose a spellcasting class that you possess. Your spells cast ... | Complete Arcane |
Practiced Spellcaster | Choose a spellcasting class that you possess. Your spells cast ... | Complete Divine |
Precise Shot | You are skilled at timing and aiming ranged attacks. | Player's Handbook v.3.5 |
Precise Strike | You are skilled in finding your opponent's weakness and striking ... | Dragon Compendium |
Precise Swing | You can ignore most obstacles when making a melee attack ... | Eberron Campaign Setting |
Precocious Apprentice | Your master has shown you the basics of a spell ... | Complete Arcane |
Priest of the Waste | You can swap out prepared spells for others that aid ... | Sandstorm |
Primary Contact | Your rapport with one of your contacts is stronger than ... | CityScape |
Primeval Wild Shape | Your wild shape forms are stronger than normal. | Frostburn |
Primitive Caster | You use screeches, wild gesticulations, and extra material components to ... | Frostburn |
Primitive Caster | You use screeches, wild gesticulations, and extra material components to ... | Races of Faerun |
Prone Attack | You attack from a prone position without penalty. | Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters |
Prone Attack | You can attack from a prone position without penalty. | Complete Warrior |