
Feat Category – General

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Mighty Works Mastery I You have mastered the initial secrets of the "Mighty Works" ... Oriental Adventures
Mighty Works Mastery II You have mastered the deeper secrets of the "Mighty Works" ... Oriental Adventures
Militia You served in a local militia, training with weapons suitable ... Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Militia You served in a local militia, training with weapons suitable ... Ghostwalk
Mind over Body The arcane spellcasters of some lands have learned to overcome ... Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Mind over Body Your ability damage heals more rapidly. Expanded Psionics Handbook
Mind-Shattering Strike Violent madness lurks just beneath the surface in all kuo-toas. ... Monster Manual V
Mindsight A creature that has this feat possesses innate telepathic ability ... Lords of Madness
Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind Your mastery ofTruespeech has led you to the understanding necessary ... Tome of Magic
Mobile Spell-Casting Your focused concentration allows you to move while casting a ... Complete Adventurer
Mobility You are skilled at dodging past opponents and avoiding blows. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Monastic Training You are part of an order that combines the monastic ... Eberron Campaign Setting
Monkey Grip You use a wider variety of sizes of weapons. Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters
Monkey Grip You are able to use a larger weapon than other ... Complete Warrior
Mortalbane The creature can make a spell-like ability particularly deadly to ... Book of Vile Darkness
Mortifying Attack Those who witness your brutal death attack are unnerved and ... Champions of Ruin
Mother Cyst You gain the ability to cast necrotic cyst spells by ... Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Mountain Stance You know how to stabilize yourself against unbalancing attacks. Secrets of Sarlona
Mountain Warrior You are adept at fi ghting on the uneven ground ... Races of Stone
Mountaineer You are a particularly gifted explorer and mountain climber. Frostburn