
Hand of the Adama

(Shining South variant, p. 31)

The hand of the Adama is a benign leader, judge and jury, and protector of the common folk all rolled into one.


Alignment: Lawful good or lawful neutral.

Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks , Heal 8 ranks , Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks

Spells: Able to cast 3rd-level divine spells.
Patron Deity: The Adama.
Region: The Golden Water.

Hit die


Skill points

2 + Int

Class Features


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells per Day/Spells Known
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Tongues, lay on hands +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Discern lies, remove disease 1/week +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Divination enhancement +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Pierce illusion +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Learn the truth, remove disease 2/week +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

Class skills

Skill name Key ability Trained only Armor check penalty
Concentration CON no no
Craft INT no no
Diplomacy CHA no no
Heal WIS no no
Knowledge (arcana) INT yes no
Knowledge (history) INT yes no
Knowledge (religion) INT yes no
Knowledge (the planes) INT yes no
Profession WIS yes no
Sense Motive WIS no no
Spellcraft INT yes no

Spells for Hand of the Adama