
Filter: [+]

Class name Prestige Rulebook
Rogue Variant no Unearthed Arcana
Ronin yes Complete Warrior
Royal Explorer yes Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues
Ruathar yes Races of the Wild
Ruby Knight Vindicator yes Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords
Ruby Rose Knight (Paladin) no Champions of Valor
Runecaster yes Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Runecaster yes
Runescarred Berserker yes Unapproachable East
Runesmith yes Races of Stone
Sacred Exorcist yes Complete Divine
Sacred Exorcist yes Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins
Sacred Fist yes Complete Divine
Sacred Fist yes Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins
Sacred Purifier yes Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Sacred Warder of Bahamut yes Draconomicon
Samurai no Complete Warrior
Samurai no Oriental Adventures
Sanctified Mind yes Lords of Madness
Sanctified One yes Complete Champion