Spells in Necromancy

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Spawn Screen Necromancy Sc_
Speak With Dead Necromancy PH
Spectral Dragon Necromancy DrF
Spectral Hand Necromancy PH
Spectral Touch Necromancy LM
Spectral Touch Necromancy Sc_
Spider Poison Necromancy Mag
Spirit Self Necromancy CAr
Spirit Self Necromancy OA
Spirit Steed Necromancy ECS
Spirit Worm Necromancy Mag
Spirit Worm Necromancy Sc_
Spiritwall Necromancy CAr
Spiritwall Necromancy TB
Spiritwall Necromancy Sc_
Stasis Clone Necromancy LD
Steal Life Necromancy BV
Sticks and Stones Necromancy ShS
Stolen Breath Necromancy Sc_
Stop Heart Necromancy BV