Spells in Necromancy

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Wall of Pain Necromancy ShS
Wave of Pain Necromancy BV
Waves of Cold Necromancy Fr
Waves of Exhaustion Necromancy PH
Waves of Fatigue Necromancy PH
Weighed In the Balance Necromancy Und
Weighed in the Balance Necromancy Sc_
When Two Become One Necromancy OA
Wither Necromancy Sa
Wither Limb Necromancy BV
Wither Limb Necromancy LM
Wither Limb Necromancy Sc_
Withering Palm Necromancy CAr
Withering Palm Necromancy OA
Withering Palm Necromancy Sc_
Withering Palm Necromancy ECS
Wrack Necromancy BV
Wrack Necromancy CD
Wrack Necromancy FCII
Wrack Necromancy Sc_